Hey guys, I take a class called Automotive Collision. So I am in training for the future to repair body and paint cars!
Just some pics of what I have worked on this year.

Camero, pretty sure the guy was gonna make it a rally car.

Repaired Cavalier in primeing process

Random Go Cart Frame (Our Teacher is a big redneck and is obsessed with go carts)

Go cart hood

Go cart side panel

Teacher's grandmother's golf cart LOL ( Granny rideing fresh)

Masking the Malibu, already been sanded

Malibu paint job (nothing special..cheap paint, guy is gonna race it or somthing lol)

Silverado sitting at about 11 feet high (Enjoyed working on it. Lowered it some but put bigger tires so it evens back out )

Go cart trailer...Turned out good

Our waterfountain lol, we got bored and decided to paint it.
I did not do this myself obviously but I contributed in someway wether it was body work or painting, but i can say I painted the Golf cart!! and the trailer!!