Author Topic: Macro Controller  (Read 13819 times)

Offline SethMods

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2012, 08:18:45 AM »
Hi guys,

I'm looking into doing something similar to this. This post is very informative, however I still confused a bit. So this viking uses a macro chip to control all these features and all of the coding is stored on a eeprom after programming? With a DAC you can control some analog features? Now if for instance I wanted to control how the controller reads the analogs current but i wanted the stick to reach full current in half a push in any direction. I could could use a DAC or would an ADC be better? Cuz basically its hard for me to physically push the stick all the way to its end point. So the DAC or ADC would feed the macro binary code and the macro chip would tell the controller that the still is in full push when in reality the sticks on at half push?

Please let me know if you can help me out with this, This would very useful.

So just to clarify ADC and DAC do the exact opposite things.

ADC converts an analog signal to digital while DAC converts a digital "signal" to analog.

They provide for a way for the PIC to interface with an analog signal like the joysticks.

If you wanted a mod that increased the sensitivity of the joysticks then you could do it relatively easy with the ADC and DAC features on a PIC.

You would just read in the voltage using ADC, take that value and "multiply" or "divide" it by some constant(depending on the direction the joystick was pushed) and then send it back out through the DAC for that pin.

The only catch is that you need to find a PIC that has 4 DACs or is capable of steering the DAC to four different pins...since there are 4 different axes for the two joysticks.

It's probably a simpler approach than what is described above.

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2012, 10:54:36 PM »
Do you think it'd possible for you to help me do this?

Offline SethMods

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2012, 05:59:54 AM »
I'm sorry, man, I really just don't have the extra time right now. I'm struggling to get that other (much simpler) project completed for you.

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2012, 03:38:18 AM »
That's cool, I understand with your work thing and all If you want you can just send me what you have done so far. I recently got a new caregiver who is pretty good, he's been helping with my mod off controller. So he can finish it up fairly easy, I'll still pay for the help either way.

Offline w02057

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2012, 12:04:27 PM »
Seth, the MAX5820 DAC ( would be suitable for your project I think. Two channel, 8 bit, i2c compatible upto 400kHz and low power. They are also pretty cheap. Three of these would allow you to control both axis on both thumbsticks, plus both triggers if you wished to add the ability for the triggers to be controlled precisely, which could be useful for racing games etc.

Hope this helps.

Offline w02057

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Re: Macro Controller
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2013, 10:29:35 AM »
I don't know if this thread is still being looked at, but you may find this interesting:

It's a compression method that could be used to store the button samples in a much smaller EEPROM space. It would also make it possible to work with a single recorded macro in RAM before transferring it into EEPROM i.e. have a large 1kB RAM array, record each button / thumbstick state change and the delays between them into that array, then once you have finished recording write the contents of the whole array to EEPROM in a small number of page writes.

EEPROM requires 5mS per byte / page write if I remember correctly, so it would make much better sense to record the macro into RAM first as your code will most likely not be able to keep up.


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