Author Topic: PlayStation Home Store menu icons  (Read 2490 times)

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PlayStation Home Store menu icons
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:37:32 PM »
Ok guys I'm not sure if this is the right place for this request but the other request thread hadn't been posted in, in over 120 days and I need these images hella bad.

Assuming you guys are familiar with PlayStation Home, and the Home stores...I need the menu icons for each store category.

I had a guy that was experienced in photoshop doing them (and he was doing a great job too but he suddenly disappeared and I recently found out he was arrested for his 5th D.U.I which basically left us with half of the images needed for my item databse on my website.)

Here are a few examples just to illustrate what I mean.

In the Home stores there are several menus icons that you can click which open new paths for items.

I need the images if someone can get them for me.

In addition to the menu icons for the store, I also need someone experienced in photoshop who can customize them to look like the ones that were almost finished until my graphix guys got locked up


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