Author Topic: Has anyone ever tried this? (PS3 controller)  (Read 1819 times)

Offline Moosh89

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Has anyone ever tried this? (PS3 controller)
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:31:41 PM »

Just popped in to ask a question!, Hopefully I can make it back here for awhile, been really busy lately!!!

So some of you may remember, I am physically disabled and I am trying to mod the ultimate PS3 controller for myself

I am almost there!!

I moved my L3 and R3 buttons to the sides of my controller, which works pretty well but I still have some issues with the standard L2/R2 triggers. I am getting better with them, but I want to change them on at least one controller.

I got looking at my old PS2 controllers and I really like that the L2/R2 are actual buttons and not triggers. I want to try swapping them out. I figure you need to also swap out the back shells as well because the controller lips up behind the buttons more.

I took apart a PS2 controller and a PS3 controller and tried fitting the top half of the PS3 controller to the bottom half of the PS2 controller without the internals. While they are the same size in the X and Y dimensions, the middle part might be a bit smaller on the PS2 controller in the Z dimension, due to there not being a battery.

The 4 outside corner screws should line up, but theres 2 middle screws on the PS2 controller, one on the top and one on the bottom. The one on the top doesn't line up with the PS3 one on the top and there isn't one on the bottom of the PS3 controller. I figure if I can get them to fit together, the 4 corner ones should be good enough to hold it together. I am not very rough with my stuff.

I melted down the 2 middle screw hole posts on the back PS2 controller to close off the holes and to make more room for the PS3 controller battery with my soldering iron. I ended up getting a nose full of melting plastic smell, eww! haha. I also tried to flatten out the ridge that holds the conductive pad for the button mat of the PS2 controller since it won't be needed and is in the way. I think I need to dremel it flat though, it is alittle lumpy right now.

I tried to see why the two halves weren't fitting together without the internals yet, but it is kind of hard to peek through the button holes to see whats up. I think the two top corner screw hole posts on the top half of the PS3 controller either are not quite lining up, or are a tad bit too long, it is hard to see.

I still don't think there will be enough room for the battery if I get it to fit together.

Is there a smaller battery pack out there I can wire to the clip from a PS3 controller battery? or that has the same clip connector? I tried looking on ebay but couldn't find anything suitable. (Remember, I am still learning)

I could be going about this the wrong way completely too haha.

And I know you can buy adapters that let you use a PS2 controller on PS3, but I hate wired controllers, they always get hooked on my chair, then I am stuck! haha.

So I am looking for some advice :)

I'm a girl gamer!
PSN: MOOSH89 (I don't accept blank friend requests)
TIMEZONE: -06:00 Central Saskatchewan Time, usually on between 3:00PM - 2:00AM
My wheelchair lift on my van looks like the Powerloader, everytime I get out I feel like shouting "Get away from her, You :censored:!"


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