Author Topic: Back to School Mod off completion  (Read 1696 times)

Offline Modded Matt

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Back to School Mod off completion
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:51:22 AM »
I hope everyone is settled into their new classes and has had plenty of time to adjust. Thank you to all the members who found time to participate in this years contest.  We will be wrapping this contest up this week so we can declare a winner early next week. Due to Halloween festivities, I am going to extend the deadline for final videos until Saturday 11/3/12 until 12pm EST. At which time all threads will be locked and the contest is considered over. We have not came close to covering the cost of our prizes through donations, which we are still accepting (for those interested, see details at the bottom of this post.) Regardless the announced prizes are guaranteed to the winners as promised. The admin team of acidmods hopes everyone has enjoyed this contest and we look forward to many more.

Rules from origional announcement to follow, changes made in RED

1. Any controller will be admitted. PSP and other portable systems will not be allowed.
2. Judging will be by nominated admin panel.
3. Entrants can use their real names (no restrictions like our main contests)
4. You must show a work log, with your name and date written on paper and visible in the pictures. (digitally imposed date and name will not be accepted) You must submit a starting pic of an unmodded controller and a final video of the controller functioning correctly.

Contest duration:
This contest will begin on 9/1/12 and all final video posts must be made by 10/31/12 11/3/12 @ 12pm EST. Please post your work logs as you progress with your mod.

1st place prize will be $100.00 USD
2nd place will be a 75 pack of LEDs color and size of choice from Crumbz.

Please have fun. That is what these contests are all about. Please remember as one member found out the hard way last year, no cheating will be tolerated in any way. Its not worth it, build something you can be proud of.

Thank you for supporting Acidmods. If you would like to donate to the prizes please contact me directly or send your gift to via paypal. If donations are received the prize amounts can be increased, but will not be lower than advertised.

Thanks again to everyone involved, helping to keep acidmods a great online community.


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