Author Topic: Accessible Voice Recognition(Coder/Programmer NEEDED) will pay!  (Read 2385 times)

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Accessible Voice Recognition(Coder/Programmer NEEDED) will pay!
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:48:06 AM »
Hi guys,

Before I get started, I wanted to acknowledge some problems I've seen involving user's requesting a coder. I see many great modders on this site, who have some fantastic talent. I don't believe its right to exploit these talents for personal gain without making it known who actually created it. I also don't understand how someone would waste a coders time and talent by asking it be done for free. I understand that you guys deserve recognition and compensation for work provided. I'm not the kind of person who would abuse the help you guys provide. I believe that any project between two users should be enjoyed. So I just wanted to give you guys some credit and show how thankful I personally am for the help i've received and will hopefully continue receiving.

So that aside, I'm looking pay a coder and provide as much credit as you would like. I do not want any freebies.
I need assistance programming a stand alone voice recognition module via Andrino and or similar devices. I've been looking for a more cost effective method of putting together a VR mod for console controllers. I've try'd many different mods to over come my disability and have been fairly successful. However I've never had something that does not require physical moments, except when using windows speech recognition while playing MW2 on my pc. It allowed me to give commands such as saying "press R", which would cause a weapon reload. That was very very helpful, but it only really worked on MW2 because others games wont respond to windows speech recognition.

I have purchased a VR module( SR-06) from to use myself, to use with my 360 controller. I want to create a module that can fit inside the case and run off of the controllers 5v. This would be an accessibility mod that can significantly benefit other disabled gamers.  The  SR-06 is $90 at the lowest unassembled and $140 plus fully assembled. I would to come up with something much smaller with a lower cost. I was thinking the EasyVR, SmartVR( or other VR modules( used with kits like andrino would be great choices.

I know nothing about programming and I need your guy's help. I believe that we can work together to create something than help others. As I'm sure you've realized, this would be sold as a mod for a small profit. However I would gladly split anything earned and of course I will pay for the time spent. I will answer any questions and will be as flexible as possible with anyone interested. This is not to benefit me, it's to help other people with disabilities.

Thank you in advance,



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