Acidmods Gaming Area > Paper Gamer

Magic The Gathering


Modded Matt:
This is an awesome turn based card game that I used to play in the early 90's.  A buddy of mine recently found a few thousand cards from our old collection which revamped my interest in this game. It is alot of fun and is still produced today in both paper and digital form.

I have both paper cards and MTGO membership for live online play. Hit mew up sometime, I will destroy you...LOL

The online version cost 10$ to get started with a few hundred random cards and three online event tickets for tournaments. (Standard multiplayer duels are free)

I love MTG! I still have my Decks. and currently stop collecting and playing.

I doubt you could beat me.  My dad co-owns the factory that was responsible for making the cards a few years back.  We have plenty of leftovers that I can "borrow" for stuff like this.  :winker:

The End of A Heartache:
Oh man lol haven't played MTG since high school. I have buddies who live a couple miles behind me they are fanboys and own over 10 grand worth of cards. Worst thing to get is pure mana pools, this guys have a couple shoebox full of mana. The game has evolved with different builds now.  I don't know the term's anymore like I used to but if you ever looking for deck builds rare cards hit me up I will hit them up and ask them.


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