Author Topic: psp go backlight went out ----need help translateing russian fix instruction  (Read 12435 times)

Offline lookkool3

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does anyone know where the fuse for the backlight is on the psp go ?


so i found this doing a google search not sure if it works but if someone wants to try it let me know if it works  :psp:
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« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 04:19:36 PM by Crumbz »

Offline mario_99

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does anyone know where the fuse for the backlight is on the psp go ?
the one on the right is the sound fuse not sure what the left one is but im guessing  is the back light fuse test it with some tweezers while the screen is connected

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does anyone know where the fuse for the backlight is on the psp go ?

There is already a topic where this has been discussed and where pics are available.

Please remember to use the search button before making a post.


Just re-read your post...

here is the location of the Screen Backlight fuse..

All you have to do is bridge the fuse and that should fix your problem... if not please let me know. And I will be happy to help.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 04:27:02 PM by Crumbz »

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Offline BlaqueMperor

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I am having this issue. I just need to know bridge the fuse to what. i don't know what I should be bridging. And since everything is so small, there is little margin for error

Offline mario_99

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for the back light there are 2 fuses

Offline lookkool3

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There is already a topic where this has been discussed and where pics are available.

Please remember to use the search button before making a post.


Just re-read your post...

here is the location of the Screen Backlight fuse..

All you have to do is bridge the fuse and that should fix your problem... if not please let me know. And I will be happy to help.

wheres that post i cant find it and how did they get the metal sheilding off of that area where the backlight fuse is??

i dremeled the sheilding off and soldered the fuse and now the psp wont turn on ... thanks all that did was mess up my battery i cant turn on the psp with battery power only  when its pluged to the charger i have a brand new screen and it still wont light up
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 07:49:57 PM by lookkool3 »

Offline mario_99

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