Author Topic: DIY Sputnik Probe help  (Read 4195 times)

Offline Luigus

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DIY Sputnik Probe help
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:55:52 AM »
Hey again, so I'm making a sputnik probe for myself, and i decided to go the extra mile and make a etched PCB board for it.

So of course there no schematics of the thing around  :rofl:... lol
So i drew up one of what i knew from reading of people doing it the most simple way, just a resistor to the MPX01 point on the Drive mobo. But i see that the Sputnik Probe actually has a LED that lights up when you touch the probe to the appropriate MPX01 point. So that's what my question is.

Here's my schematic:

I tested the MPX01 point to ground with my multimeter and the point gives off about 3.1V, so can i just put a led between the probe and the GND from the resistor, like in the second schematic on the image.

I see that the sputnik original has i think 2 transistor in, can anyone identify them maybe? or send me a nice close up pic of the tracks.



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