Author Topic: CFW 4.xx for rogero or rebug  (Read 2998 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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CFW 4.xx for rogero or rebug
« on: November 23, 2012, 08:55:38 AM »
First off you need to be on CFW 3.55 or lower to even think about this. to get there if you are above you need a flashing device for a nor or nand depending on the model .
Also to remember you might loose some compatibility for now until dev's catch up. (I can't remote play all the games I could before. but could be one of my settings. )

Things you need :

PS3 on cfw 3.55
update.pup for the fw you want to be on weather its rogero or rebug. installed in PS3/UPDATE/update.pup on usb drive in usb port 0000 .

To get PSN
Go to Package manager and instal rebug tool box if on rebug. It will be under ps3 hdd not standard package location.
Toolbox will show up just like mm or any other xmb "game". run it and in there is setting for network spoofing. set to DEX. North America , not sure about euro's etc.

check that these settings look like this...  except change cex to rebug.

if your network is spoofed correctly you will see 4.3x in system settings.

pic 2


« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 10:11:40 AM by 1TONpete »


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