Author Topic: N64 Controller Schematic  (Read 7899 times)

Offline RDC

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N64 Controller Schematic
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:42:37 PM »
This schematic isn't what I'd consider 100% complete, as it doesn't include the Encoder Stick board, and the SMD component values aren't known right now. I could guess what most of them are, though that's not very accurate in my book. As far as what is connected to what goes though, it is accurate.

Note: This schematic also does not have the Jumpers shown, since they're just a way to get from one place to another by 'jumping' over a trace or from one part of the board to another part, so for all intents and purposes a jumper is the same as a trace, they're just not shown here is all.

200010 -

700010 -

Top scan of the main PCB with all components removed. (The bottom side has no components or traces, just 4 jumper wires, but those are marked on this side where they go. Also the L, R and Z button boards are simply Normally Open contacts like the rest of the buttons on the controller, so no real need to show them either)

200010 CLEAN


700010 CLEAN

« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 08:36:46 PM by RDC »
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