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Sup team i need some advise mostly to those that have artwork on there body aka tattoos I plan getting a tattoo of a prayer. So I need some ideas of fonts that be perfect for prayers I looked around on google dont really find anything that grabs me.

Ok guys heres what it is so far i looked around for font and this one caught me. This is just the start Im going to be probably making more and more changes as i get ideas. This is the english version though.

as someone that has ink
i suggest you get creative with it even if you cant draw for  poop draw something that you think is killer and get a real artist to mimic it the best way they can
youll know when the font is perfect
and good luck kaos with your tattoo maybe you can share with us when its done  :tup:

That's what i did. I, started drawing some random letters. I wanted my daughters initials. Gave the drawings to my artist and he did his own rendition of what i did. I love it. I then had him do a dragon wrapping around the letters. A symbol of my protection for her.

alright then I guess ill give that a try.


--- Quote from: Blazinkaos on March 02, 2013, 10:52:06 AM ---Sup team i need some advise mostly to those that have artwork on there body aka tattoos I plan getting a tattoo of a prayer. So I need some ideas of fonts that be perfect for prayers I looked around on google dont really find anything that grabs me.

--- End quote ---

hmmm...interesting. I have 4 tats myself, 2 I designed myself. I'm iffy when it comes to any tattoos that have words though (eg ~ names, sayings) but that's just me lol knowing my luck the artist doesn't know how to spell or punctuate properly, so just be sure everything is spelled and what not lol even triple check before you have it taken to the artist.

As for fonts, as your wanting a prayer, try looking for legible script fonts. Something that will make it look like it was handwritten nicely. A place to look for fonts I go to sometimes is Cursive and Old English fonts of anytime are soo common, so try and stay away from those if you want it unique.


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