Author Topic: Looking for help w/ building custom turbo xbox 360 controller  (Read 1339 times)

Offline mobetta8

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I am looking for a custom xbox 360 controller. All I need it for it to be rapid fire that I can adjust the speed. I would like 3 buttons additional buttons installed. 2 on the back of controller on each side for left trigger turbo and right trigger turbo. The other button is a mod switch placed on top of the controller opposite of the guide button placement (in between the right bumper and top charge and play port). Top button must be smaller (similar to the guide button). Rear buttons can be bigger but not large. I would optimally like the mod to be able to switch between rapid and burst fire with indication on the controller led by lighting up a different player number... IE rapid is player 2, burst is player 3, player for could be programming mode or something, what ever works). I would like the mod to be like this for optimal versatility, keeping my stock left and right triggers with normal functionality. I would like to know is this possible to be done? If the 2 stage auto/burst fire with switch button is a problem, I could settle for just the 2 turbo buttons on the back with out the switch button (actually its probably needed anyway as a way to active the mod for when I'm adjusting the speed or turbo). If the rear turbo buttons are a problem, I could only settle for a mod that had the mod button i mentioned that with a quick tap turned the mod on and off (hold it for functions).

So long story short I'm interested in 1 of 3 controllers...

Controller A - 2 rear turbo buttons, 1 top mod button that with a tap alternates between rapid fire and burst fire (holding would enable the adjustments to rapid fire and burst fire speeds on the fly using the dpad for up and down).

Controller B - 2 rear turbo buttons, 1 top mod button that adjustment rapid fire speeds on the fly.

Controller C - 1 top mod button that with a tap disables/enables the mod (holding would enable the adjustments to rapid fire on the fly using the dpad for up and down).

I posted this in a couple of places to try and get information. All information is welcome including guides and tutorials, I am going to have somebody build this for me but I thought I might as well see if anybody knows how to build a controller like I'm describing in case the person only knows how to build controllers a certain way. I can say “hey heres some guides about what I'm talking about.”

Offline mobetta8

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Re: Looking for help w/ building custom turbo xbox 360 controller
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 02:49:23 PM »



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