What is your solder skill level? This connector is not a lot of work but it is very small soldering. Tricky part is carefully removing the old connector with out damaging the pads. If you rip a trace or something it will make a lot more work for your self.
There is no set tute for this but I can kinda walk you through.
You'll need soldering equipment. and desoldering . some braid would help too.
You'll need to fallow the breakdown tute for psp 1000
here .
Desolder the old connector and clean the pads with the braid when done.
re tin pads and new connector.
Place connector on pads line them up nice.
Then with a tiny bit of solder on your tip . and flux on all connections. Just quickly tact them all down. If you get a bridge , just run a clean tip of the soldering gun down the length of the pads in a quick stroke to pull the solder in lines.
Let cool and reassemble .
If you think this is to much let me know and I'll point you to some videos on desoldering etc.