Author Topic: RGLoader v311 [16202 Support] : Released  (Read 4407 times)

Offline Rodent

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RGLoader v311 [16202 Support] : Released
« on: May 04, 2013, 03:00:27 AM »
The RGLoader-dev Group has released an update to RGLoader to support kernel 16202.

Well, here we go again this release intended to satisfy 16202 demand while we work on the next great thing and of course because the "Cool Kids" started taking tydye's incomplete patch release, merging fs, and calling it their own version of rgloader, and lastly because it was long past due anyway :)


IF THE LAUNCHER CRASHES ON YOU, UPDATE TO .NET 4.5! This usually happens for non-english language packages.
  • Xenon Jtag 16MB
  • Zephyr Jtag/RGH/RGH2 16MB
  • Falcon Jtag/RGH/RGH2 16MB
  • Jasper Jtag/RGH/RGH2 16MB
  • Trinity RGH 16MB
  • Corona RGH 16MB

You will need .NET Framework 4.0 or 4.5 installed. May also work with Mono.
  • Copy rgloader.ini and bootanim.wmv to the root of the hard drive.
  • Extract the 0v300 builder rar to a folder.
  • Copy 'filesystems' and 'loaders' to the 0v300 builder folder overwriting files/folders.
  • Run the launcher and build your nand
  • Open the RGBuild Launcher and type in your CPU_Key and select your build options.
  • Click the NAND button to browse for your source nand image.
  • Click "RGBuilder" button to start the process.
  • Output will be next to this file named: Image._____.bin
  • Flash this with whatever flash tool you wish.

Prototype NAND Image Editor

Click "RGLoader" button in the launcher, or run rgbuild.exe /ui to open the rgbuild UI, which is a prototype NAND image editor similar to 360 flash tool.
The GUI is still very beta, but should be very functional now. Please reports bugs to #rgloader @ EFNet!


Custom Boot Animations

Set 'Boot_Animation_Path ,SystemRoot,  RGL _ bootanim . xex' in rgloader.ini on your hard drive root, and place a bootanimation wmv on the hard drive root
named bootanim.wmv and it will play this movie file when the xbox boots.

The only way we were able to load wmvs was by waiting for the kernel to fully load before running the boot animation. This doesn't make a lot of sense, and does increase the boot time
by a few seconds so we are working on a way of replacing the normal one. If you do not like this delay, feel free to switch back to the regular animation by:
  • Delete 'Boot_Animation_Path' from rgloader.ini on the hard drive root.
  • Set 'disable_bootanim  0' in options . ini, and rebuild/flash your nand image.

Corona RGH

RGLoader has been updated to work with 16MB corona motherboards.

Retail Profile Encryption

This enables use of retail/live profiles on the RGLoader devkit kernel. The devkit kernel handles profiles differently from retail so there is a chance it will
corrupt your profile. This mostly effects live profiles. Do not enable this if you have live profiles on your hard drive! Backup your CONTENT folder first if you
want to experiment ;)

NOTE:This is a beta feature and the bugs will be fixed soon.

Set Retail_Profile_Encryption  1 under [Expansion] in rgloader . ini

JTAG Support

When building a jtag image, you must supply an already jtagged NAND. This way any customizations
to your SMC will be kept and also if your crc does not match it will not matter. (this will not be neccesary in final release)
NOTE: When an already patched SMC is supplied, the builder will say (unable to patch). Just ignore this.


Flexible Systemroot Patches

(hard drive free installs!)

We have added a new feature to replace the E90 error that gets thrown when the hard drive is missing or files have been misnamed.
If any errors occur during its attempt to remap systemroot to the hard drive (wrong folder name, hdd unplugged, etc..) it will boot into
minimal NAND only mode where the devkit launcher dashboard will still boot.

This means that a hard drive is not neccesary to run RGLoader! This also means that you can just flash the image on and use minimal mode to copy
and setup the hard drive files for the full installation using xbox neighborhood.

It is not recommended to use the minimal mode, but it does work.

DUMMY KV Generation

To protect you from getting your keyvaults banned, we have added an option to options.ini for creating a
temporary dummy KV. This sometimes introduces a lag when going to the dashboard and some xex caused by the
xbox live connection timeout. If this annoys you, just disable it in options.ini and we will get it fixed soon.

Things to come


RGLoader Runtime Patcher


Adds extra patches for xam or any other exe/dll in memory. Gives more runtime access and control on patches. Loads rgloader.ini from the
hard drive root and also flash drive root.

Block_Live_Dns - Blocks xbox live DNS so you can't "phone home"
Map_USB_Mass - Makes all usb devices show up in xbox neighborhood
Default_Dashboard  - Sets the default dashboard
No_Sign_Notice - Disables xbox live signin error notice
Redirect_Xshell_Start_But - Redirects the xshell start button dashboard launch
HUD_Jump_To_XShell - Replaces family settings button in HUD with "Launch XShell"
Retail_Profile_Encryption - Enables retail profiles on devkit kernel (BETA)
*WARNING: This may corrupt live profiles! Do not enable this patch if you have profiles you want to keep clean!


Configure and place rgloader.ini onto the root of your hard drive (Partition 1), or usb thumb drive.

Known Bugs
  • ccasionally slims/trinitys will freeze or reboot on the first boot attempt after a reflash.
    This usually only happens the first time, if ever.
  • Slims require fcrt for retail dvds to run.
  • RGLoader.xex retail profile encryption patch may corrupt live profiles! Do not enable this patch if you have profiles you want to keep clean!

Source Team Xecuter

« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 03:03:05 AM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Offline Rodent

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Re: RGLoader v311 [16202 Support] : Released
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 03:24:19 AM »
This was RGLoader on 15574 i will try and make one on the newer 16202 dashboard
Rgh Trinity Dev Nand

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
Rodent consoles mods

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Re: RGLoader v311 [16202 Support] : Released
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 07:27:21 AM »
hmmm... Cool...


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