Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > PS3 Slim
[MOD] PS3 controller. bullets
The End of A Heartache:
Yes welcome to acid mod :) looks great. The LED in the trigger was an idea I usually have plenty going on at once I didn't mean to invade your post. It is a great job indeed especially the home button. Are you planning on swapping the LED in the front?
I didn't notice that i posted older photo. Yes currently i have white leds instead of red ones.
The End of A Heartache:
--- Quote from: mazur888 on June 15, 2013, 04:45:58 PM ---I didn't notice that i posted older photo. Yes currently i have white leds instead of red ones.
--- End quote ---
Lol post a current one :) when you can good job
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