Author Topic: removed top screen from DSi, bottom screen appears washed out  (Read 2273 times)

Offline zeello

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removed top screen from DSi, bottom screen appears washed out
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:05:02 PM »
I've removed the top screen from my DSi, using a method inspired by this vid:

DS Lite to GBA Tutorial Part 1 of 3
DS Lite to GBA Tutorial Part 1 of 3

So I got the DSi, bottom screen only, to get to the home screen, but now it has a different problem. The bottom screen looks ok for a moment but very gradually begins to fade. (it starts to appear washed out) Not only that but looking at the screen made me dizzy and nauseous. (it's like the screen was rapidly flickering, too fast for the naked eye to notice, but I could definitely tell that something was off) In any case, the screen would continue to fade slightly more and more, until an error message came up (all black with white text), similar or identical to this one:

(found the image in google search - it is not my system)

So even though I removed the top half of my DSi, everything is fine except for the screen fading problem, which never happened before. So I'm guessing that the mod wasn't properly done, and that is why this is happening. More specifically I think the problem is one of these:

a) the resistor I used is the wrong kind
b) the resistor was damaged/corroded from heat during soldering
c) the top screen ribbon cable was damaged/corroded from heat during soldering
d) the soldering work I did was terrible (iirc a youtube vid I watched previously said that bad solder work or corrosion will drain power)
e) the bottom screen became damaged somehow (oh god I hope not)

That aside, I was hoping that someone here encountered the screen-fading problem before, and what it means. (on ANY system, it doesn't have to be DSi)

If I had to guess, I would say my system doesn't have enough power, causing the screen to not get enough power it needs. Like it is suffocating. :fear:

Anyway, in the meantime, I am going to try again with a different resistor, and this time I will use conducting glue instead of soldering. Currently I am waiting for it to dry... (the instructions say to wait overnight) but I just hope that will solve the problem.

edit: I should also leave this link here for reference since it is a similar mod, and they mention a few things that could prove useful or relevant:
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 08:17:09 PM by zeello »


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