Author Topic: PSP- 2000. Left Trigger going crazy after being taken apart  (Read 2228 times)

Offline terriquez94

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PSP- 2000. Left Trigger going crazy after being taken apart
« on: September 01, 2013, 10:37:53 PM »
Well I recently just took apart my entire PSP 2000 for the purpose of putting it into a new clear green housing. I have done this 3 times before with a few other PSP models(2k & 3k's) with no problems at all. So for some reason this time when I got everything back together the Left Trigger basically is being pressed a thousand times per second without me doing a thing. Its impossible to enter anything into any text box (i.e games and internet). Any one ever had this problem before? Any solutions? Thanks in advance. Ill write more down below further explaining the situation if you wish to read more about this.

I believe it may be a motherboard issue or in fact the flex ribbon cable that controls the d-pad as well as the left trigger. I had the PSP turned on while unplugging the flex ribbon cable that's connected to the motherboard and then it returns back to normal without the sound of the left trigger being slammed making thousands of key tones in any text box. I thought that i would swap this suspected faulty flex ribbon cable out with one from an identical working PSP 2000 I also have("psp B") . After doing that the problem still persisted and nothing changed. Thousands of Left Trigger button presses no matter what. So I went ahead and transferred back the ribbon cable I took from psp-B only to find that now the problem (ill call it the Left Trigger Virus or LT Virus for short) has moved onto psp -B!!! Okay I thought this had to be a fluke so I grabbed another ribbon cable from psp-C (another 2k I have) and plugged it right in and found that the problem was still there!  Not only in psp-A but now is psp-B as well. I dared not plug that flex ribbon cable back into psp-C to have that suffer the same fate and have the LT Virus spread yet again. I find this so strange and want to know some suggestions and hopefully solutions.


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