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3D printing, Laser cutting, and Vinyl cutter services


i now have access to a 3d printer, laser cutter, and Vinyl cutter the laser cutter has a large bed as well as the vinyl, but the 3d printer only has a 9 in. x 9 in. bed so yea. HMU for prices w/ specific details.

3d printing needs a 3d model

laser cutter needs to be in vectors and the vinyl as well i believe

for 3d ideas you can check out (idr if i can say site names if not admins please remove) that place has all sorts of neat things to print and they are really useful, anyways thats it uhm just send me a pm as i wont get notifications of post on here, if you have a question you think is important for everyone then post on here i check pretty often my replies to post, but as i said if you pm me i get email notifications on my phone i will reply almost instantly

I seen you can print out a strandbeest on one of those. How much do you think that would be?

what is a strandbeest?  pics

.....nvm the last question... i would need a 3d design because i cannot design one tht is WAY beyond me


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