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Switch SMD status lights to 3mm LEDS


Acidmods Exclusive!

Switch SMD status lights to 3mm leds
Parts Needed

* Numerous strands of wire, 26 to 30 AWG
* 4, 3mm leds of your color
Tools Needed

* Soldering iron- Rec 30 watt or better/ heres mine ->
* 3mm drill bit
* Rosin core solder
Difficulty rating: 3.5 out of 5
Average Time to Complete: 2- 3 hours

Notes: points on the smd side that you solder to are small and for surface mounts so its tricky but if u put a nice drop on there before introducing the wire you should do fine. Also if you have enough clearance a little bit of hot glue to help it hold wont hurt.

Switching the 0603 SMD lights for the 1-4 status lights to 3mm Leds.... in this tut ill refer to the leds as 1-4 they correspond with the original 1-4 leds. I put optional on the way i ran the wiring because if you think of a better way by all means try it, mine worked fine for me but thats your choice.  :hifive:

Psn: sinrockets

Came up with the idea one day when i realized this controller was basically dead, [ thrashed from many other mods taking them in and out] wanted to give it an old school technology look, still working for it going to rust the bolts in the corners. those hold the controller together completely. As of now theres no other screws holding the controller together.

I came across a bunch of controller 5 working and 3 non working either completely or missing parts, so those become doner parts for my projects as they come, Been wanting to do these scale mods for a while but never had backup controller in case something goes wrong, well now i do so its on. I wasn't going to do this TUT but my dad recommended i do so here goes my first TUT.

Too my knowledge this is a first time mod, and a acidmods only exclusive since there my favorite mod sight  :tup:

So this is were i was when my dad said something. just put those chrome strips on front and still wondering how im going to do the rest.

Used the 1-4 holes in the top of controller as pilot holes and drilled them out with a bit just a little smaller then the 3mm led. Also layered the 1-4 so 4 is the lowest and 1 is the highest out of the controller.

Other side of controller, crossed the positive leg of LED # 4 over the rest of the positive legs. [ Remember to put the leds in with like polarity legs on the same side, positives with positives and negatives... you get the point. ]

Solder each of the positive legs to the one crossed over, like so

Solder a wire to the positive leg of LED # 1 and trim rest of excess leg off with wire cutters. [Optional] Also if you run the wires like so it works pretty nicely.

Solder wires to the negative legs of the leds now i prefer to do it one by one, i also used my solder to wrap the wire to form a circle and then touched the solder with the soldering iron to tin the wires to make it easy to solder.

FInish all 4 of the negative legs and trim the excess as available

Now this is how it should look [ minus the bad solders. hopefully yours look better, im using a crappy 4 AA soldering iron, nooo power need my other iron back but anyway back to the TUT.] [OPTIONAL] twist up the wires and run them in between the crevices. 

Everything is fitting okay to this point. [disregard the two solid green wires those are for the ps button lights.]

My 3mm RGB Led to color my clear D-pad  :yess:

Now to wire the negative wires to the negative solder points on the pcb, on my controller pcb it was the bottom, the one closer to the joystick. i marked them with a black sharpy so i didn't forget  :huh:

I covered the points after i solder them so the were a little stronger and didn't break when i bent them around.

Then what i did was twist up all the wires on with the pcb board and layed the pcb down, it fit quite nicely.

The first sign of life, boy was i happy!

Now to smooth the fitting over a little bit i trimmed off some of the black housing that the old leds shined through, Also cut down the screw whole for the top middle [ Not recommended, try another route if u think you can.] helped to get the wires to fit.

Then i solder the power wire to the power souce, i picked the second pin to the right on the right side of the joy stick [backside of course].

Then Walla! your done

FAQ/ Troubleshooting

* Might have a problem desoldering the original SMDs just add enough solder to cover the smd then heat and gently remove.
* If there all not connecting make sure your leds are all on the same polarity.
* Twisting the wires together makes for an easy fit but makes it easy to break solder connections so be careful!
1st player

2nd player

3rd and 4th player, my 4th player negative solder point was shot [ Told you is was trashed] so i wired them together so 3 and 4 light up together no big deal to me

Then the whole controller heres a few pictures of it, it has a red and blue led in the ps button and a rgb to color d-pad, looking into doing the X,O,/\,[  ] With rgb leds but thats later on.

Thanks for looking and checking it out, comment and let me know what you think, or if u need help trying yourself.
Post pictures of your own if you do it, let me know if u wanna brain storm some ideas too. HAPPY MODDING :victory:


looking really nice .  if you want to make this a tutorial you need to edit your post a little and add following

--- Quote ---Here is the code for the tutorial layout above

--- Code: ---[center][size=25pt][color=red][u][b]Tutorial Title[/b][/u][/color][/size][/center]

paragraph to explain what they are about to acomplish.

[color=yellow][u][b][size=13pt]Parts Needed[/size][/b][/u][/color]
[li]i.e. faceplate (including links to suppliers)[/li]
[li]i.e. faceplate (including links to suppliers)[/li]

[color=yellow][u][b][size=13pt]Tools Needed[/size][/b][/u][/color]
[li]i.e. Solder Iron(including links to suppliers)[/li]
[li]i.e. Solder Iron(including links to suppliers)[/li]

[color=blue][b][size=13pt]Difficulty rating:[/size][/b][/color] X/5

[color=blue][b][size=13pt]Average Time to Complete:[/size][/b][/color] i.e 30-45mins

What makes it difficult ie small soldering high dexterity

[color=yellow][u][b][size=13pt]Step By Step Tutorial[/size][/b][/u][/color]
1- step that needs to be completed i.e remove metal cage behind lcd or whatever
                  image for step one
2- step that needs to be completed i.e remove metal cage behind lcd or whatever
                  image for step two

[color=yellow][u][b][size=13pt]FAQ/ Troubleshooting[/size][/b][/u][/color]
[li]problem one that usually happens[/li]
[li]problem two that usually happens[/li]

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

This will help members understand and supplies they need and time frame  and any issues they could run in to
Thank you for nice proof of pics and good to see some PS3 tutorials.

No problem ill fix that later today or tomorrow, And ill be posting alot more now that i have my work station back. More ps3 Tuts soon :)


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