Author Topic: A few questions :  (Read 3516 times)

Offline gl0zz3n

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A few questions :
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:45:36 PM »
So rather than asking in the SB or making a ton of seperate threads, I thought I'd ask everything in one place.

1: I'm using Seth Mods' 360 Hex creator to program my 12f683. Is there any way I can have multiple modes activated at the same time?

2: If I were to wire a second tact switch, would I be able to run dual-12f683s? ( I want to add akimbo rapid fire/ jumpshot, but I already have all 10 modes used up ) Would this be pulling too much power from the controller, or could I simply have 1 chip running at a time and be ok? I was thinking of using dual pic's to add my extra modes while allowing me to have 2 mods turned on at once, without changing up any coding. Would this just confuse the controller trying to press multiple buttons at once at the same time, etc or should it be fine?

3: I want to add a "plug" so i can swap my PIC around so I can have different chips for different games without having to have 50 seperate controllers or for testing the timing on rapid reloads, etc. What is this part called? Where would be a good place to mount it on my controller? I was thinking in the spot where the left rumble motor is supposed to sit.

4: Can I wire LED's under the ABXY buttons to turn off/on with the sync button, kinda like a sleeper mod? I don't want them constantly on, but I was also thinking of wiring them to the pads where my rumble motors used to be.

- on a side note, I don't care about the rumble in my controllers, so I figure I would just remove them to give me a whole lot more space to work in, so please don't flame for my personal preference, lol
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 09:51:55 PM by gl0zz3n »

Offline SethMods

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 10:05:09 PM »
So rather than asking in the SB or making a ton of seperate threads, I thought I'd ask everything in one place.

1: I'm using Seth Mods' 360 Hex creator to program my 12f683. Is there any way I can have multiple modes activated at the same time?

2: If I were to wire a second tact switch, would I be able to run dual-12f683s? ( I want to add akimbo rapid fire/ jumpshot, but I already have all 10 modes used up ) Would this be pulling too much power from the controller, or could I simply have 1 chip running at a time and be ok? I was thinking of using dual pic's to add my extra modes while allowing me to have 2 mods turned on at once, without changing up any coding. Would this just confuse the controller trying to press multiple buttons at once at the same time, etc or should it be fine?

3: I want to add a "plug" so i can swap my PIC around so I can have different chips for different games without having to have 50 seperate controllers or for testing the timing on rapid reloads, etc. What is this part called? Where would be a good place to mount it on my controller? I was thinking in the spot where the left rumble motor is supposed to sit.

4: Can I wire LED's under the ABXY buttons to turn off/on with the sync button, kinda like a sleeper mod? I don't want them constantly on, but I was also thinking of wiring them to the pads where my rumble motors used to be.

- on a side note, I don't care about the rumble in my controllers, so I figure I would just remove them to give me a whole lot more space to work in, so please don't flame for my personal preference, lol

1: Yes, you can wire two mods to the same controller. You might have to be careful though. For instance running RF on one mod is going to force the second mod to register RF on your second mod which may cause intermittent results for the second mod. (i.e. drop shot that is pulsed like RF.) Something else that might work better would be to "cascade" the mods. Tie either B1 or B2 from the first mod to the RT of the 2nd mod (INSTEAD of tying RT pin of the 2nd mod to the RT of the controller). Then change your modes so that whenever RT is pulled B1 or B2 (your choice) is pressed. (That will make the 2nd mod think the RT is being pressed.) You will need to put a pullup resistor between Vdd and the RT pin for the second mod though.

2: In my opinion you don't have to worry about power usage when it comes to mods. Maybe you only get 3 hours out of the battery instead of 4. With rechargeable batteries I don't think that is a big deal. Just my opinion. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there that will disagree.

3: What you are describing is called an IC Socket. This is what I use. I highly recommend the machined sockets like this one. They last a lot longer.

4: I'm not sure. Hopefully someone else can answer that.

Offline Gizmo613

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 10:29:15 PM »
1. Refer to Seth's post

2. Refer to Seth's Post and also look here.,43149.msg322975.html#msg322975

Kingmike has made an awesome board to run 2 chips! get in touch with him if you want to try it out. If not i purchased some boards from him and i can sell and mail them to you at his price. Also in that thread you'll see my install as well. it fits nicely in between the board and the back piece.

3. Yes the machined sockets are some of the best quality to use.

4. 3d0 made a led flasher board using the free hex code on this site

i might still have this all populated and programmed already. It does have the option for a sync/sleeper install.

On another note, no post/thread is low quality or useless. Just remember that there are others out there that needs the information as well. If everyone keeps asking in the shout box, then no one can search for the information. Where as a thread will last a lot longer and will be available to search for.


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2014, 12:31:46 AM »
If I were u I would install two chips. Install the first chip as u would normally and the second chip just jump the V+ ground, LT & Rt from the first chips pins to the second chips V+ ground, LT & RT pins. Install dual tac switches and tie the 1st chip led top P3 led & 2nd chip led to P4 led. There u will have 2 12f683 chips ready to roll. U can wire all the other button pinnouts to where ever u choose. U will be able to run two modes at once and 10 modes on each chip, 20 total. This is just basically cloning off the first chip. This is exactly what I did with my prototype controller for making mods but on a bigger scale. I have 5 chips all cloning of the main chip.  I have them all external for easy swapping as well. This I feel is a less complicated way of achieving multiple mods.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 12:43:42 AM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 07:07:20 AM »
So i was thinking of cloning the chip and i have my settings setup like this:

The way I plan to use them is to have "chip1" set for my bf4 rapid fire, and "chip2" set for my auto run or kneel aim/ dropshot, thinking that this will cause my to shoot at my 7sps AND keep running or lay on the floor, am I correct? I plan on wiring "chip2" to the player 3 LED so that i will have 2 indicators to know which modes I am in.

Really my only concern was the power issue because i have a controller running a 16f1825 and its just WAY too power hungry. my LEDs dim when I play with it without its cable, but works great when I plug it in. If I use cheap AA's (like i do in my stock controllers) the controller literally drains them almost completely dead in about 3 mins. Now with my 12f683, im able to use the same cheap batteries and I've gotten several hours of play with them.

- my plug and play batteries wont charge anymore, is there a way i can "rig" one to hold a charge again? Like when you connect the two leads together on a chinese psp battery? I'm just too cheap to go buy a new charge/play kit.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 07:10:26 AM by gl0zz3n »


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2014, 07:33:12 AM »
Yea each chip works seperate of each other. Its its own chip. There will be 2 tac switches 1 for each chip. You have to turn on each chip to operate the modes programmed to the chop. Ex. U can not turn on chip one and have chip 2 mods operate.

 The way I described just saves on wiring to the button pin outs. U would have to wire multiple wires to the same pin outs on the controller board. This method allows u to just wire one wire to the controller board.

U can also change the 1 & 2 pin outs on the chips as well. Both chips Dont have to be wired the same. Ex, chip one pin out of 1 can be wired to X & 2 can be wired to Y, chip 2 can be wired from pin out 1 to B & pin out 2 to A. (1 & 2 are the pins on the chip that are labeled with a number wrapped in a white circle in Seth's schematics.)

You should check out the opensourse codes in these forums. If u play COD I have a ten mode jitter setup made from Seth's create a hex software. All the wiring schematics are listed in the thread as well. Its a little different as a wire my LT pin out to the X button. This makes the modes work in reverse order bit allows me to have the tools to make some really cool mods like my COD ghost jitter.

Your into battlefield I've been meaning to make a auto spot for that game. If I get time I'll post up a hex for a battlefield based chip. Anyway hope all this helps u out.

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2014, 08:03:08 AM »
yeah, i mean, logically it makes sense to me, but i don't really have the knowledge about how the boards actually work and such. I just have common sense and I'm able to follow a wiring diagram/ piece my information together for an understanding.

Is this correct?


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2014, 09:14:20 AM »

Here is a diagram of the 1 & 2 pins I was talking about. U can wire these up to ANY button on the controller u choose. This is helpful if u use the opensource codes I have posted. your diagram will work as well if u just are going to use the same code on both chips so u can run two modes at once. Im sorry if im overloading ya im just trying to show the flexibility with this cloning. U can take it in so many different directions.

Bottom line that diagram is perfect. wire it up like that and rock two chips!

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 09:37:11 AM »
You're not overloading me at all. But to be more clear on what i want to do:

I want the EXACT same hex on each chip ( exact clone ) and I want to wire it to the same points, using the same buttons. I just want to be able to use 2 mods at once. ie: bf4 rapid fire on chip 1, auto run on chip 2.

Sorry if my diagram is hard to follow, i came up with another way I think I could wire it up that should be much "cleaner" install:


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2014, 10:01:01 AM »
yes that will work just fine. All your doing is transposing the pins from your main chip to your clone chip. As long as the LED and Tac on the clone chip are wired to a individual led or tac the clone should work fine.

Your diagram will work as intended!

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2014, 10:14:08 AM »
Sounds good. Debating on making a second controller out of another one of my stock remotes laying around, or de-soldering everything "GamerzIcon" slapped together in one of my controllers.. look at the quality of their work. The mods are easy to use, and im able to use basically as many as i want at once, off a single chip, but now i have to re-solder BOTH wires back to its tact switch because for the second freggin time my controller stopped working for "no reason".

I made a video the first time i couldn't get it to work properly ( the wire to button "x" came off somehow )

I mean, i don't drop/ throw my remotes (granted it HAS been dropped a few times) but i DO live in texas, so the ONLY thing i could think of why im having problems is the humidity... but i realyl doubt that will actually cause wires to come off..

Offline SethMods

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2014, 11:22:26 AM »
I may be wrong here, but I think if you run the mods parallel you will run into problems if you use something like RF on either of the mods.

So for instance let's say that mod 1 you have RF 8SPS selected and mod 2 you have Drop Shot selected.

When you pull the RT the first mod is going to pulse the trigger pin high and low 8 times a second. The second mod is going to interpret this as the user pulling and releasing the trigger at 8 SPS. So instead of holding down on 'B' it is going to pulse B. So essentially you will have RT RF at 8SPS and B RF at 8SPS.

...instead of the intended 8SPS RF with Drop Shot.

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2014, 11:42:01 AM »
yeah, i was worried about that also, but again, i don't fully understand how the mods work, i just know how to get them to work, lol. so should i just follow your cg wiring diagram and treat each chip like a seperate install?

Offline SethMods

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2014, 11:58:46 AM »
I really think you are going to have to cascade them, but then again I have never tried it.

White and Nerdy might be right on this one.


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2014, 03:50:19 PM »

Each chip should act as its own enity. I did this with my prototype controller and I can run 6 modes at once. As long as you are not running two of the same type of modes everything should work fine. All my chips are cloned off one main chip.

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2014, 07:11:33 AM »
Yeah, I'm not trying to do anything THAT drastic, lol. may I ask why you need 5 modes running at once? I can really only think of 3 modes to run at once: rapid fire, auto run, dropshot/crouchshot/autoaim(if on zombies)


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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2014, 07:27:01 AM »
I use it to make mods. I use seths hex creator and I use 6 different button combinations to make mods that no one has ever seen before. Its not a gamer controller its a development controller. Like my cod ghost jitter. It uses three button combinations. I'm the only one who has this. I have turbo knifes and all sorts of crazy mods. I make these and post them for people to use in the opensourse section.

Offline gl0zz3n

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Re: A few questions :
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2014, 07:50:24 AM »
Makes sense. Oh, and I was going to ask, since you play bf4, whats the fastest rapid fire speeds I can use for pistols/carbines? I'm currently using 7.04sps on the pistol without any "skips" when firing


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