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PS4 vs XB1 Side by Side

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Good find, they look extremely similar texture wise, which is unsurprising due to the similar specs. Splitting hairs I would say the Xbone had a little more visual appeal in this title, what do you guys think?

This is a gray area for me.  I feel comparisons between a multi-platform games do not hold much justice. U also have to look at the source where this video came from. Lighting and shadowing can be manipulated especially if it was shot using two different TVs. From what I've picked up on in the past is multi-platform games usually are designed to operate at the lowest common specs of the two consoles. I feel u wont see any real significant graphical advantage between two multi-plafrom games. The real comparisons will be comparing the top exclusives between the two consoles. If someone does this than u may see a significant advantage in graphics, buffering and shadowing.

We've done a side by side with the xbox 360 and a PS3 on our own tv  (backlit LED) 2 years ago and had the same results..the 360 was more appealing and the colors were more vibrant.

I'm not saying overall one is better than the other, just like cellphones, buy what suits YOU and your needs.


--- Quote from: Tracey on October 31, 2013, 05:05:38 AM ---We've done a side by side with the xbox 360 and a PS3 on our own tv  (backlit LED) 2 years ago and had the same results..the 360 was more appealing and the colors were more vibrant.

I'm not saying overall one is better than the other, just like cellphones, buy what suits YOU and your needs.

--- End quote ---
Everyone Knows XBOX is  :#1:


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