Author Topic: remote play adavanced features  (Read 2111 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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remote play adavanced features
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:00:23 AM »
Last year when I was building my PS3-Go for the winter mod off I came up with some ideas to make remote play a more desirable feature for the sony devices. I sent an email to Sony regarding my ideas and they asked me to put it up on their dev forum. So I did. The advanced controller option for the vita made the grade but thats it. Some of the other ideas I had were :
1 co op split screen pushed to remote play on a vita. co op play w/o split screen.
2 HUD / maps put on the vita while you use your vita as controller.
3 using the vita to control kill streaks like predator missile.
4 in game video chat. Using skype like features on the vita.
there were a couple more but they are not important to this story.
Now the WII u has come out and I was doing some reading on Black ops 2 on the WII u . The up coming title set to be released soon has some of these key features. 1,2 and 3 are all in the game on the WII U. It almost seems like Sony ignored my ideas and the WII U picked them up.

More to the story. After I got my Vita I kept waiting for more features to be released. I kept waiting on better games. example ... a good FPS for the Vita. Well we finally got a true online multiplayer fps in the form of Black ops declassified. But it was a rushed game. And failed. Maps were to small and the game itself was so laggy it made it unplayable.
Sony had a chance with this great piece of hard ware to create something wonderful for gamers and it seams like they dropped the ball when it came to the software.
If Sony could integrate things like I mentioned above into the vita they would destroy the WII u. But as it stands now I want to sell my vita and maybe go back to xbox or maybe try a new system.


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