Author Topic: GTUNER/GPP-SCRIPTING for PS3...Help for Circle Analog stick  (Read 3952 times)

Offline tad

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GTUNER/GPP-SCRIPTING for PS3...Help for Circle Analog stick
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:31:24 PM »
Hi Guys,

I need your help cause the cronus device doesn´t support anybody anymore, I guess.

I bought the device to get possibility to scripting for my ps3.

I am not a programmer, but I really definetly think that the manual is not clear at all, bad written, and with with enigmatic examples.

My biggest problem right now is understanding the Axes-System of the analogic Stick as well as the DPAD.

I understood that there are by scripting only 2 Axes (X and Y) with a value between - 100 and 100, and the value 0 is in the middle of the cross.

With the combo magic I´ve got to understand that the diagonals are described with 2 commands, but I sitll don´t understand the value system, cause the "good" cronus company don´t put any example, and there are very few of them in internet to find.

My questions are here:

1) Can you explain me what is the logic inside the anlogic stick, to make scripting for Circles (45, 90, 180, 360 Degrees)  in every direction?

2) How can I script a combo with the typical movement  left to the right?

3) I tried to write this script, which should work as a combo (2 1/4 rotation from down to the right), pressing the button L3.

main {
    if(get_val(PS3_L3)) combo_run(magick);

combo magick {
    set_val(PS3_LX, 0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));
    set_val(PS3_LY, 0);
    set_val(PS3_LX, 0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));
    set_val(PS3_LY, 0);

 Can you tell me if this script is right? can you explain me, please, the script logically? I understand that:

    set_val(PS3_LX, 0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);   =>>>> Command Down

    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));     =>>> What does that logically mean?? WHy LY 100??
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);             

    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));     =>>> ??? Why LY 0?
    set_val(PS3_LY, 0);

    set_val(PS3_LX, 0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);                       =>>> Command Right

    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX));    =>>>  again
    set_val(PS3_LY, 100);

    set_val(PS3_LX, get_val(PS3_LX)); = >>>  again
    set_val(PS3_LY, 0);

     Shall I put also here Wait (20) ???

Guys, please, Help me!

Thank you very much.


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Re: GTUNER/GPP-SCRIPTING for PS3...Help for Circle Analog stick
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 03:53:03 PM »
Need to talk to KingMilke_OS he can help you with this i am sure  and I am sure he will see this post when he gets back online

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Re: GTUNER/GPP-SCRIPTING for PS3...Help for Circle Analog stick
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2013, 05:30:42 PM »
First off Im not happy about You posting all over the place , gamepadproxy , cronusmax and now here  stick to one place wait someone will respond,

2nd  you buy cronus and if you have problem take it with Cronus Device website and Support page which is none , not my problem ,
Gamepadproxy, Cronusmax, Acidmods are not responsible or have to help you, and Cronus Device Can't Run Script, and just because you Cross Flash
don't make it CronusMax. that's why Cronus Don't work with CronusMax Software and Plugins.

3rd   the Help files that is build in to Gtuner Software over 100 pages with detail example , over month was put in to that  just because you want something is not there don't mean start posting all over ,  Try google and reading and try and error, if that don't work than ask but give time for people to respond

final the help file is not in PDF for reason its build in to the software you writing you script so you can open it up and get help when needed and close it so you stay in one program. 

Here Example of what you ask :

combo HalfCircleTop {
    // Starting from left
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);

combo HalfCircleBottom {
    // Starting from left
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);

combo FullCircleClock {
    // Starting from left
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);

combo FullCircleAntiClock {
    // Starting from left
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LX,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX,    0);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY, -100);

he logic is simple ... just put values that represent the direction  on X axis -100 means left, +100 right ... o Y axis -100 means top, +100 bottom

Here example if you want to do it with Dpad

define LX                   =  11; // PS3_LX,       XB360_LX
define LY                   =  12; // PS3_LY,       XB360_LY
define DL                   =  15; // PS3_LEFT,     XB360_LEFT
define DR                   =  16; // PS3_RIGHT,    XB360_RIGHT

define DPAD_UP              =  13; // PS3_UP,       XB360_UP
define DPAD_DOWN            =  14; // PS3_DOWN,     XB360_DOWN
define B_LOW_PUNCH          =  19; // PS3_CROSS,    XB360_A
define B_HIGH_PUNCH         =  20; // PS3_SQUARE,   XB360_X
define B_LOW_KICK           =  18; // PS3_CIRCLE,   XB360_B
define B_HIGH_KICK          =  17; // PS3_TRIANGLE, XB360_Y
define B_BLOCK              =   3; // PS3_R1,       XB360_RB
define B_THREED             =   6; // PS3_L1,       XB360_LB

define DATA_END             = 255;

define AHAU_KIN             =   1;
define ANUBIS               =   2;
define CY_5                 =   3;
define EXOR                 =   4;
define GROX                 =   5;
define KABUKI_JO            =   6;
define MAXIMUS              =   7;
define PAGAN                =   8;
define TAK                  =   9;
define VALLAH               =  10;
define VOODOO               =  11;
define WARHEAD              =  12;
define CHARACTER_END        = 254;

define COMBO_1              =   1;
define COMBO_2              =   2;
define FATALITY_1           =   3;
define FATALITY_2           =   4;
define COMBO_END            = 253;

define DISTANCE             =   0;
define FORWARD              =   1;
define BACK                 =   2;
define UP                   =   4;
define UP_FORWARD           =   5;
define UP_BACK              =   6;
define DOWN                 =   8;
define DOWN_FORWARD         =   9;
define DOWN_BACK            =  10;
define WAIT                 =  16;
define LOW_PUNCH            = 129;
define HIGH_PUNCH           = 130;
define LOW_KICK             = 132;
define HIGH_KICK            = 136;
define BLOCK                = 144;
define THREED               = 160;
define PLUS                 = 249;
define HOLD                 = 251;
define RELEASE              = 253;

define CLOSE                =   0;
define SWEEP                =  70;
define JUMP                 = 100;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data (
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            FORWARD,  RELEASE,
            DOWN,        HOLD,
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            DOWN,     RELEASE,
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            LOW_KICK,    PLUS,
            HIGH_PUNCH,     6,
            FORWARD,  RELEASE, 
             WAIT,           20,
            WAIT,           10,
            HIGH_PUNCH, PLUS, HIGH_KICK, 4,
            LOW_KICK, 4,
            HIGH_KICK, PLUS, LOW_KICK, 4,
            LOW_KICK, 4,
            LOW_PUNCH, 4,
            LOW_KICK, 4,
            LOW_PUNCH, PLUS, LOW_KICK, 4,
            HIGH_PUNCH, PLUS, HIGH_KICK, 4,
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            FORWARD,  RELEASE,
            DOWN,        HOLD,
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            DOWN,     RELEASE,
            FORWARD,     HOLD,
            LOW_KICK,    PLUS,
            HIGH_PUNCH,     6,
            FORWARD,  RELEASE, 
            WAIT,           20,
            WAIT,           10,
            HIGH_KICK,       4,
            HIGH_PUNCH,      4,
            HIGH_PUNCH, PLUS, LOW_PUNCH,   4,
            LOW_PUNCH,  PLUS, LOW_KICK,    4,
            LOW_KICK,   PLUS, HIGH_KICK,   4,
            HIGH_PUNCH, PLUS, HIGH_KICK,   4,

« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 08:41:21 PM by KingMike_OS »

Offline tad

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Re: GTUNER/GPP-SCRIPTING for PS3...Help for Circle Analog stick
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 03:55:25 AM »
1st I saw there are some gpp-script-posts in the forum, and I thought, you programmer would have given me some tips.

2nd Cronusmax can work on Cronus device, that´s the reason I am here (you are not talking to a stupid guy) Do you want to know how I did it? This is very clever, what I did.

3rd The Help GTuner has over 100 pages, and the example are not in detail, and not logic (cause you are talking to a very intelligent person) at all. If it would be so good and nice, I couldn´t even ask you here.  I have been searching in internet 6 days long, and I found just some por examples, which brought me somehow further in my scripting. Do you have any advice where I can find more about GPP Scripting or another similar language, who describes the axis of the analog stick like for this one? - I personally think you talk too easy, understimating me and what I wrote here -

4th The help is on Pdf, cause I am very visual, and I learn at once what I read, without needing to read it again, but I need it on the paperform.

Final If something else bother you here, please tell the truth, avoiding those  kind of aggressive messages, cause at the end you tried to help me, anyway. I thank you for that, very much, not for your aggresive form in your answer.

I didn´t understand logically just two things in the last strings of your example fullcircleClock/Anticlock:

    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);
    set_val(PS3_LX, -100);
    set_val(PS3_LY,  100);

Why did you repeat the same command? Shouldn´t the full circle end with the first command, LX -100, LY 0?

Why didn´t you write the command wait at the end, as usual?

Where did you take the other example Anubis,Combo?

Thank you very much in advance.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 04:01:07 AM by tad »


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