Author Topic: Cronus Device = Accessibility  (Read 7425 times)

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Cronus Device = Accessibility
« on: October 02, 2012, 01:43:06 AM »
Hey guys,

I'm writing a review of the Cronus and Cronus X Devices( and discussing how they may be considered accessible gaming devices. I've been working on accessible 360 controllers for a few years now and most recently a controller with button remapping. The Cronus is the 1st device that I've seen that will do this and much more. In short the device does almost everything I could need, so I had to buy one.

The Cronus Device allows you to play your console(360,PS3&Wii) with any console controller, keyboard and mouse. The Cronus also allows you to remap every button on your controller,keyboard & mouse, you can even adjust the analog sensitivity of your triggers & thumb sticks. I just got the Cronus X in the mail and did a little toying around to get a good idea of how to use it's many features. The two devices are identical and do exactly the same thing, except for the mod features supported by the Cronus X.

This review is based on my experience with the Cronus X device thus far. So here's a description of all the features and software. On the Cronus website you can download 2 pieces of software, Cronus Remapper and Cronus Bullseye.

Cronus Remapper:

This software does exactly what you'd expect, It allows to remap the buttons on your various console controllers. Its a real simple interface with the image of your controller and its buttons. You can simply choose your controller type and console type by clicking its icon. Each button has a drop down menu which list's every available button. Each trigger has the same drop down menu, however it also has a button which opens a pop up window with the sensitivity option. Each thumb stick has the same drop down menu, however it also has a button which opens a pop up window with a few extra options. The thumb stick options are......

X & Y Axis Mid-Point: Detirmens the nuetrol stick position for the X & Y axis.
Sensitivity: The stick sensitivity of either X or Y axis or both.
Deadzone: I'm not a 100% sure but I believe this allows you to limit the functional radius of the stick.
Stickize: I have no idea what this does.
Invert: Inverts the Y or X axis or both.

You can configure and save new layouts or edit pre existing ones. Once all edits are made you simply connect the Cronus to your pc via included USB cable and download your layout profile onto the Cronus. Once you've successfully downloaded the profile, you can plug your controller into the Cronus to test the functionality of your new layout. Once you've chosen to test your layout a new windows appears with 2 columns, 1 on the left and 1 on the right. Left column displays which controller buttons are being pressed, how far each trigger is being pulled and how far your stick is being pressed on either axis in real time. The right column displays which button the Cronus is telling the console to use. This is an easy way to see if the layout you chose is right. Once you've downloaded your layout to the Cronus, you can unplug the Cronus from your pc, plug the Cronus into your console, plug your controller into the Cronus, press the profile button the Cronus to choose 1 of 10 profiles and your done.


This software allows you to remap your keyboard and mouse to be used with your console. The software layout is just like the remapper software. However you do not download a profile to the Cronus. Instead while the Cronus is still connected to your pc, you click the "enter capture mode", this allows you to use any keyboard & mouse connected to your pc with your console.

So after playing with the Cronus and it's software I quickly realized it's potential for accessibility. For me it allows me to use my adapted controller with my keyboard(which I operate with my feet). I can you some of the mod features such as auto sprint and auto hold breath(sniping) which I have major trouble with. This is just one of many examples of accessibility. I believe it may also be possible to use speech recognition software with the Cronus because it recognizes pc input. It may not work but I will try anyways. Also the is compatible with the Xim3, doesn't really matter but in case it does you now know.

Offline alexx92

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Re: Cronus Device = Accessibility
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 04:44:31 PM »
Nice review
how r you liking it so ar?

Offline SixtyninNaMoose

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Re: Cronus Device = Accessibility
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 10:46:38 PM »
I think it's great, it adds a lot more accessibility to my gaming.I actually recently discovered that I can use voice recognition software with the cronus device to play my Xbox 360.I downloaded Dragon naturally speaking just for giggles to see if it would work and to my surprise, it worked nicely. Except for when I accidentally opened another application.

Offline cobi_vw

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Re: Cronus Device = Accessibility
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 11:51:41 PM »
Awesome review, nice detailed explanation.


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