Author Topic: Doubts about microchip PIC18F14K50 (and others) used by Hazer in the tutorial.  (Read 2543 times)

Offline cdanv

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The microchip used by Hazer in the “PS3 Remappable controller and code” tutorial is this? (or may be this?):

The 2.5mm plug and jack may be replaced by mini usb?
I need this information because I got a friend to change my control, but I did not know these doubts clear.

(Excuse me by the English without correct conjugation. Translator of Use)


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Yes that is the correct pic that hazer uses. Also reading his thread u would be best off going with the 2.5mm jack setup. Then u will need a 2.5 mm jack to usb cord. All of this can be found on eBay real cheep. Good luck with this proect feel free to start a new thread in the ps3 section when u start your build. If u get into problems members will be happy to assist u through it.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 04:42:51 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline cdanv

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Hi WHITE 4ND N3RDY  :clap:. Thank you for remedy my doubts and for the tips, it's all I needed to put the project into practice. I'll probably delay to present the project here because the microchip will take a few days to get here in Brazil, when I make the request. I do not know how long the coach will take to run the project, but I'll post it here for us, photos and videos also possible. On the other hand, I am anxious to be done soon because I need a lot of controller with accessibility. So, once you are ready I will post it here.

(Excuse me by the English without correct conjugation. Translator of Use)


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