Author Topic: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One  (Read 6532 times)

Offline Tracey

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5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:24:06 AM »

Power: As the controversy over the resolution of Call of Duty: Ghosts proves, there are some important hardware differences between the Xbox One and the PS4. The game runs at 1080p native on the Ps4, and 720 on the Xbox One — some are saying that it’s definitive evidence that Sony's  system has a power edge on the Xbox One, as we’ve suspected for some time.  Developers have said similar things to websites like Kotaku, though they’re less confident about exactly what it all means.

We can argue all we want about what difference this will actually make when it comes to way games look on our new systems. But when it comes right down to it, Sony appears to be the better bet for pure hardware capability, so why not go with that? It’s probably not the wrong decision.

Exclusives: Sony has some of the best studios in the biz producing game exclusively for its platforms, so if you want to see what shops like Quantic Dream or Media Molecule are cooking up, you’ll need a PS4. While Sony does have its shooters, as a whole its exclusive lineup offers games that are slightly more offbeat than those from most AAA developers. Littlebigplanet is quirky, charming and wonderful. It’s the kind of game that gives Sony platforms their unique flavor.

Naughty Dog alone could warrant its own bullet. You can only play Uncharted on Sony hardware, which for some is reason enough.

Controller: The Dualshock 4 is the most drastic redesign of the Playstation controller since Sony got the idea to put analog sticks on it. The triggers are easier to use and rest your fingers on, there’s a share button for easy access to social features, and the clickable touch screen is front and center for a whole range of different controls. It still maintains the essential Dualshock design to avoid alienating long-term fans, but it’s a vastly more refined and easier to use version.

I used one at E3, and it’s miles ahead of the Dualshock 3. We’ll see how that sensor bar eventually gets implemented, but right now the touchscreen is a nice way to increase functionality without adding a hundred extra buttons to some limited real estate. It’s also bound to be useful on non-traditional games, which the PS4 should have in spades. And it works with Macs.

Indies: Microsoft MSFT +4.2% may be starting up an indie program, but it’s a little late to the party. Sony has been actively fostering and improving the development process for indie developers for years, and the proof is in the pudding. PS3 gave us games like Flower, The Unfinished Swan, and Journey, and that console was considerably harder to develop for. The PS4 was built for easy development and publishing from the ground up, meaning that we should be getting a lot of weird, wonderful, and beautiful games from small teams. We know we’re getting Jonathan Blow’s The Witness, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Rime, Transitor, and plenty of others.

Indies may not pull the same kind of numbers as AAA titles, but they tend to push the envelope in a way that big studios just can’t afford to. They can take risks, they can make strange games, and they can make games where you don’t shoot people. They also fill in the gaps between major release seasons, giving you more ways to use your console than ever before.

Price: This one is a no-brainer. If you just want to play games and don’t want to get bogged down in specs, motion controls, or all those other features you might wonder about, the PS4 will let you do that for $100 less. In an ecosystem where the two machines have started to look very similar, this may be Sony’s first, last, and most important advantage. The price point is bound to push more than a few holiday shoppers towards Sony’s machine.

There are other reasons why Sony’s machine is the right choice when it comes out in eleven days, but these are what I see as the best ones. Feel free to add more.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 06:25:25 AM by Rodent »
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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 07:17:09 AM »
Figuures sony shells out more gold leaving microsoft back. Ps4 is going to kill the game in BD aswell considering it there second system being released with a BD.
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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 07:53:28 AM »
Sony should just die already! ahahahhahhaahhahahaah

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 10:08:34 AM »
Figuures sony shells out more gold leaving microsoft back. Ps4 is going to kill the game in BD aswell considering it there second system being released with a BD.


Offline sinrockets

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 08:36:24 PM »
Andddd like i said PS4= GOLD
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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 09:22:44 PM »
Ps4 is Still A Rip Off Of The Xbox360.

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2013, 11:26:51 AM »
Ps4 is Still A Rip Off Of The Xbox360.
So thats why xbox one has a BD, which was standard on ps3. oh & why does xbox one upscale a 720p to a 1080 in cod.
im not hatin on xbox but come on you xbox people are all the same, unless i say xbox is better im wrong.
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Offline Tracey

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 04:23:38 PM »
come on you xbox people are all the same, unless i say xbox is better im wrong.

And all you PS people are the same.. just replace xbox in that sentence with playstation. wtf does it matter what everyone buys, buy what YOU want and move along.
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Offline Gizmo613

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 05:19:37 PM »
because fan boys has to be right. You are not wrong in here. but nobody likes a person who brags about something so mute and pointless. if you like the ps4, so be it. do you boo boo, do you!

Offline Rodent

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2013, 05:36:42 PM »
1 Reason and 1 reason only why xbox is way better then any Playstation    JTAG/RGH/R-jtag/  so much more you can do with xboxes :D

end of discussion!!

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2013, 02:44:26 AM »
One Reason 

killer instinct  PS4 Who ??

Sony Thinks they Smart By Blocking All USB devices and using Bluetooth Protocol Instead for all there Controller Communication

No 3rd party Controller , NO CronusMax, no XIM and Keyboard and Mouse Over USB

Ah they Scare of Hacker Exploding your Weakness again with USB stick.   :dribble:

You can slow down the process But never Stop it , 

I won't take PS4 if my life Depend on it this what I think of your system

« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 02:48:00 AM by KingMike_OS »

Offline sinrockets

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Re: 5 Best Reasons For Buying The PS4 Instead Of An Xbox One
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2013, 11:08:12 PM »
One Reason 

killer instinct  PS4 Who ??

Sony Thinks they Smart By Blocking All USB devices and using Bluetooth Protocol Instead for all there Controller Communication

No 3rd party Controller , NO CronusMax, no XIM and Keyboard and Mouse Over USB

Ah they Scare of Hacker Exploding your Weakness again with USB stick.   :dribble:

You can slow down the process But never Stop it , 

I won't take PS4 if my life Depend on it this what I think of your system

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

bluetooth was the same thing used on ps3 for controller/ headset connectivity. but i agree do what you like.
& tracy i agree there, but ill admit if theres somethin i dont like about either system, i just think sony did a way better job this time. the controller alone is years ahead itself.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 11:12:17 PM by sinrockets »
If it aint broken, MOD IT!
1 Reg gamecube/ One with sd mod and Full size dvd-r mod
1 phat bc with extra fan in psu & leds | 3 PS3 Slims
1slim running 4.70 cfw, with fan controller and breathing leds[/color]


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