Author Topic: psp 2000 questions about what is possible  (Read 2465 times)

Offline remmer

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psp 2000 questions about what is possible
« on: December 02, 2013, 09:57:18 PM »
Ok so looking around i found lots of "X is broken" and "LED modding" but not alot in the way of adding new buttons to a psp. from what iv seen alot of the mods use the switch for the wifi or the triangle square X O buttons...temporarily disabling them while using say L2 R2......
so my first question is, is there a way to not disable other bottons and still add lets say 6 buttons (4 directions for a second nub and L2 R2)

the over all goal being to first give it atleast the buttons it should have
then add a camera preferably one that can be front facing
usb charging capability
better speakers
battery with a much larger capacity on board for recharging the psp battery (kinda like how the "power bank" from ebay would work)usb to usb charge
with a retractable charge cable for just such a recharge
maybe add my phone in the back...(i never forget to bring my phone and i dont want to forget my psp y have 2 things to remember) :)
and maybe one day attempt to do the side kick screen and put the keyboard under it

i realize this will probably make my psp akin to Frankenstein but i think ill like that i can prolly manage the LEDs with whats on the net same for speakers and usb charging, and as its my own concept i can probably manage the battery and cable when they get here(stupid slow shipping) phone will be an independent component with capability to charge from the back up battery. the extra buttons have given my the most difficulty finding a solution to and its the one i want the most...the keyboard will prolly be a bit of a pain but its near the bottom of my priority list.

so any help/suggestions/recommendations would be great as i start this i intend to do a video "how i did it" <lol cuz i dont dare sappose anybody should be taking lessons from me quite yet tho it might be of some use so no reason not to record it...

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: psp 2000 questions about what is possible
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 05:37:19 AM »
First welcome to AM.
Next what do you mean by R2L2?
The only reason I can think of to add extra triggers is for remote play of   ps3
this can be done w a combo button. Select and r1 become R2. Internally you could wire a button would wire to sel and R1.
most of the mods brought up were created here and full tutes are available. The keyboard mod was created here
Ill try and dig through the forum, but for now try using our onsite search.

Offline remmer

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Re: psp 2000 questions about what is possible
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 09:32:20 AM »
i appreciate your welcome
i mean L2 and R2 2ndary triggers as with ps1 ps2 and ps3
i want them for ps1 and ps2 games and if anybody ever figures out how to emulate 360 and ps3 those too
combo buttons are a good enough for the 2nd nub as ill never use the X O square or circle and the nub at the same time
but if any of the old ps1/ ps2 games require me to use L1 and L2 at the same time it might pose some problem if the L2 button is select and L1
true i didnt look thru everything in the psp section but i did use the search to look for adding extra buttons albeit it was very late in my day and i could probably find more than modding for hire with the right key words so yes i will keep trying besides just cuz its not what im looking for doesnt mean it wont give me ideas for what i would like
i do indeed know most of the mods are from here thats y i chose this modding site to join, ill likely find the most help here from both knowledgeable people and tuts.

In the end the question is still the same is it possible to add atleast the L2 and R2 as seperate buttons so as to not have issues as described above? 

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: psp 2000 questions about what is possible
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 11:58:03 AM »
Its been a while since I messed w psp but I believe ps1 and ps2 emus on psp allow for setting up combo buttons. You can add a second set of buttons for triggers and wire each to two buttons on the psp and program the emulators to read those buttons as r2 etc. 
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 12:03:48 PM by 1TONpete »


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