Author Topic: Jitter to 10sps rapid fire  (Read 1344 times)

Offline jorge7194

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Jitter to 10sps rapid fire
« on: January 13, 2014, 09:24:53 PM »
hey whats up guys i have a question for those who use sethe free software. I have the MY MOD MINI from seth and i have tried working on a jitter to 10sps rapid fire but i haven't figured it out. The MY MOD MINI works almost the same as the free software. It has LJ and B button functions. I took LJ and solderes X and B to Y for it to work as XYY jitter.

I tried every option the software delivers for different functions and it hasn't work.



             -USER RT PULL-

      - PULL RT -
      - WAIT 50 MS
      - RELEASE RT
      - WAIT 50MS
      - PRESS LJ (X) -
      - WAIT 21 MS
      - RELEASE LJ (X) -
      - WAIT 6 MS
      - PRESS B (Y)
      - WAIT 21 MS -
      - PRESS B (Y)
      - WAIT 21 MS -
      - RELEASE B (Y)

What i think it does is it Waits until RT PULL for it to start RT process and when i PRESS LT it cancels rapid fire for and starts to process jitter.

Let me explain why i think this is the best way to set it up. If i put WAIT UNTIL LT RELEASE at the begin of the setup. It will shoot jitter and when i press LT it will cancel JITTER and shoot regular rapid fire( REGULAR RT PRESS FOR GUNS TO SHOOT ) and if i put WAIT UNTIL LT PRESS it will shoot REGULAR RAPID FIRE and when i PRESS LT it will start the jitter process. so i thought of putting the process for rapid fire and add WAIT UNTIL LT RELEASE it will shoot jitter when i press LT for rapid fire to stop. Since i put WAIT UNTIL LT PRESS  i want it to aim in and shoot 10sps rapid fire. I had no luck with this setup as well.


 :taunt:this is another setup i came up with.

Start Event:
User RT Pull

Action Event:
Run Time = 0.13 seconds
Run Count = 7.58 per second

Wait until LT Pull
Pull RT
Start RT Override
Wait 38 ms
Release RT
Wait 13 ms
Wait until LT Release
Wait until RT Pull
Wait 1 ms
Push LJ
Wait 19 ms
Release LJ
Wait 4 ms
Push B
Wait 19 ms
Release B
Wait 19 ms
Push B
Wait 19 ms
Wait until RT Release

--Choose Action-- Add

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« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 02:18:23 PM by Rodent »

Offline SethMods

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Re: Jitter to 10sps rapid fire
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 05:19:44 PM »
So, a few things here.

As awesome as it would be there isn't really an option to do an "if/then/else" with the SethMods-Mini code.

So you can't say

If LT pulled then do Jitter Else do Rapid Fire.

The best that you can do is a "do/while" loop. ...which is what the "Wait RT Pull" does.

Also, the first line "User RT Pull" is the same as "Wait until RT Press".

So essentially your code reads...
Wait until RT and LT are Pressed
Fire one shot

So to get "Jitter" to work you have to pull both RT and LT. Otherwise it gets hung up in one of those two waits if EITHER is not pulled.

Now you could essentially do kind of like a LT Cancel (except backwards) where if both triggers aren't pulled then it isn't going to jitter. But it isn't going to rapid fire.

Offline jorge7194

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Re: Jitter to 10sps rapid fire
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 09:23:46 PM »
i got something in mind but let me know if it's possible for it to work.... just give me a min to set it up.

now that i think about it. yeah i dont think it'll work... like you said i need to command LT to wait for RT press for RF and have RT wait for LT release for jitter.

[gmod]As mentioned above, please just edit your posts rather than 'double posting'. Thanks.[/gmod]
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 09:48:03 PM by GhoSt »


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