Author Topic: Great XB1 & PS4 mod chip find!  (Read 8126 times)


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Great XB1 & PS4 mod chip find!
« on: January 23, 2014, 07:33:42 PM »
So I was crusin around the internet and stumbled on a great find. I found a site that sells XB1 & PS4 ragnarok DIY chips. They come with easy instillation instructions and all the hardware like the quad multicolor LED indicator. They go for 40$ a pop or cheaper depending on the quantity of the buy. Instillation looks super easy. I'd rate it at 2/5 on difficulty level. Shouldn't take longer than 20 min to install!

So here is the site if anyone is interested.

Viking doesn't sell these DIY chips yet which makes me wonder why this company has them for sale?

Anyways its a great find and will save u big $$ if your were wanting one of these controllers!

Update: orders this product will post a instillation tutorial including pics! Going to do a remapper and 3DS as well. So it will be a great instillation presentation for anyone considering copying my build!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 08:52:34 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

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Re: Great XB1 & PS4 mod chip find!
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 05:28:55 AM »
its not a viking product, they have stolen the name.


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Re: Great XB1 & PS4 mod chip find!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 06:32:23 AM »
Yea made me think cause they call it "viking software platform". It is the same viking chip/software just sold from a outside sourse.Hmmm.

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Re: Great XB1 & PS4 mod chip find!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 07:47:16 PM »
Viking did that with the previous Ragnorok. They made a deal with another company where Viking would sell only controllers, and other companies could sell only kits. Or something close to that.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]


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