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Help with TP Points in a new PS3 controller board


Hi guys

I have bought a new controller to make it "scuf", this controller has a new board an I don´t know which are the points. I have talked with RDC but he has not had these board :(. I hope you can help me guys. This is the board:

I want to duplicate X and O

Thanks in advance

 Same here. I am guessing for X would be the bottom left leg of the chip(near the "T" in Toshiba) and one of the COMS.
I just bought a new controller, because my other ones broken, and now they have made things even more interresting.

I think that is a VX8 board, I haven´t done none of those but a friend told me the poins were like this:

I am not completely sure but you can try it

I think common are the same than pic I posted


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