Author Topic: 360 Trash Talk on XB1  (Read 2343 times)

Offline RDC

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360 Trash Talk on XB1
« on: March 23, 2014, 10:29:45 PM »
Earlier this month I had a guy want to use his 360 Trash Talk on the XB1, and my first intention was to use a TRRS 2.5mm jack and then just make up an adapter cable to a 360 Headset connector, the extra TRRS pin to be used for the 3.3v to power the Trash Talk as it got it's power from the 360 Headset connector, but that posed the issue of someone plugging something into it other than the adapter cable and either shorting the 3.3v out or possibly damaging a headset or the adapter, and after looking at it for a little bit I decided to just use the actual 360 Headset connector instead and skip all of that mess, and it ends up with a default TRS jack for most older headsets.

Not as pretty from the bottom, but I wasn't going for looks either.

Some early testing with the original 360 Headset before the TT arrived.

The gap is more than I'd care for it to be, but didn't want to get into a pile of epoxy, bondo and paint to make the project take longer and cost more.

Then with the TT installed and powered up. It's not meant to be used exactly like it was on the 360 controller, as it sits much to far away to be used the same way and it can't take the stress of having the buttons pressed on unless it was braced up more, and even then it's too far away to be comfortable at all to press them, so it needs to be supported when the buttons are pressed which means taking your hand off the controller. But, the same issue would have applied if it was made with an adapter cable as you'd still have to remove your hand from the controller to press the buttons. He was happy even with it's limitation, so we went with it as is.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 04:15:39 AM by RDC »
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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