Author Topic: PSP 2001 problem, brick maybe?  (Read 3447 times)

Offline sinrockets

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PSP 2001 problem, brick maybe?
« on: May 25, 2014, 04:54:01 PM »
I have a psp 2001 it is a believe a darth vader one atleast has the back cover. think i i had a psp like this before and couldent ever get to work think its a fried mobo.

but i use regular battery get green light it sits at it and eventually goes off.
with pandorra battery plus multi different types of mms and all i get either way is 1 memory card flash and the backlight powers on thats it. could it maybe be screen?
i tryed pressing buttons and fiddling but no noise or reaction even when backlight comes on.
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Re: PSP 2001 problem, brick maybe?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 01:55:25 PM »
um ok, lets see if i can help

firstly what happened? what caused the psp to start acting up? (did you buy it like that?)

and secondly are you the person who created the Pandora battery and mem? If memory serves me right (its been a good couple of years) the battery needs to be a psp1000 one and once you put it in it's normal that screen doesn't show. I mean it works and all, but you need to remember which button to hold and how to navigate the menu without looking... i think. After that recover the psp though the menu, instal CFW and pop the normal battery in.

thanks toad and indy for the sigglys

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Re: PSP 2001 problem, brick maybe?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 07:50:04 PM »
seems like it might be software bricked... best way to tell is Pandoras Battery and a MMC.

but be warned if the MMC is not programmed correctly you can do more damage then good.

But if you get a green light when the battery is inserted that either means that the Motherboard has been Soft-Bricked (Since you said it looks like a Darth Vader PSP) or it means
someone messed up and Hard-Bricked the device. If the latter is the case then you're only option is to replace the motherboard.

So i suggest you verify the MMC is programmed correctly (there are auto install programs on the internet available) and try to enter MMC Recovery (after battery insertion press the "R" Trigger to start auto-boot into MMC Recovery). Please keep in mind you need to have the CFW or OFW you want installed on the memory card BEFORE attempting this.

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Offline sinrockets

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Re: PSP 2001 problem, brick maybe?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2014, 11:07:19 AM »
I'm prett sure the mmc is good, I do have the adapter for the micro sd memory card but it should work. Only other thing I could think of is you said it has to be a 1000 battery because I used a slim I made it acts just like it but if that could be the problem I know I have a 1000 actually pandora from deal xtreme but its in storage..I could get it though
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