Author Topic: Suggestions to do a battery mod?  (Read 6478 times)

Offline S4R0M

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Suggestions to do a battery mod?
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:54:07 PM »
I been searching a lot and i want to do this mod:

There a guy installed 2 cell phone (i think they are for cell phone because their size) batteries in parallel with the normal psp slim battery; But the first pictures are now missing and i wasn't able to find tutorials for that mod...

I think i know how to do it, for now it doesn't seems too difficult; I've done some psp reparations before, so, at least i know how to replace displays, buttons and add leds...
But i have several questions:

1.- Is really possible to use 2 non-psp batteries along with the normal psp battery?
2.- If is possible, why there's no tutorial for that mod?
3.- If the mod works well, can someone give me suggestions about which battery models are usefull (and can fit in the umd bay) to try that mod?

I really want to try that mod  :beg:

Offline Burning_Battery

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Re: Suggestions to do a battery mod?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 05:27:57 AM »
I been searching a lot and i want to do this mod:

There a guy installed 2 cell phone (i think they are for cell phone because their size) batteries in parallel with the normal psp slim battery; But the first pictures are now missing and i wasn't able to find tutorials for that mod...

I think i know how to do it, for now it doesn't seems too difficult; I've done some psp reparations before, so, at least i know how to replace displays, buttons and add leds...
But i have several questions:

1.- Is really possible to use 2 non-psp batteries along with the normal psp battery?
2.- If is possible, why there's no tutorial for that mod?
3.- If the mod works well, can someone give me suggestions about which battery models are useful (and can fit in the umd bay) to try that mod?

I really want to try that mod  :beg:

Original thread of battery mod here -

with pictures from first post -

And to answer:

1. Yes - it is definitely possible. As long as the Volts add up then it's doable. As in - using 3.7V batteries are fine - 20V is not.

2. I think the creator didn't know how to explain it in English entirely - so he chose not to explain it in case someone blows up a battery... or themselves :)

3. This battery -

I'm going to attempt this mod as well :) I've bought the batteries and this protection board -    (2x - 1 for each battery since I don't have a multicell protection board like the other two guys in the thread have). - although I'm not sure if this one will work...

What I'm trying to find is a RAZOR X PCB - but since coolmods went out of business its impossible to source the PCBs - so might have to scratch that idea :(

Although if any other users out there could help me out it would be much appreciated :)

This mod goes in combination with me restoring a PSP 2K (with hackable motherboard) that I got off ebay :)

This guy attempted something similar as well -
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 05:33:47 AM by Burning_Battery »

Offline Bubsy

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Re: Suggestions to do a battery mod?
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2017, 11:42:20 AM »
Here's an easy way to go about it, with a video tutorial   :victory:


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