Author Topic: Retro cartridge mods!  (Read 2729 times)


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Retro cartridge mods!
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:41:48 AM »
Hello everyone! Yesterday I decided to blow the dust of my NES and SNES console and I got to thinking what kind of mods i might be able to find for these legacy consoles. I started getting into re programmible cartridges then I came across this site!

As a retro gamer I was pretty excited about this. These cartridge mods let u upload all sorts of homebrew ges for all your favorite consoles via SD cards. Basically one cartridge can supply every game ever made for your favorite consoles. There's absolutely no lag time what so ever and around 4-8 second load times. It also has game genie built in the software as well. The price is a little steep but I'm going to get the nes version anyways! I was lucky enough to find out I owned a old nes game (excite bike) that harbored a famcome to nes board. Some old cartridges have these in them that let u play familycom system games which are a 60 pin cartridge. This adapter allows nes 72 pin cartiges to play the pal versions (familycom) system games. I thought that was pretty cool as well.

I hope this post sparks others to re look at there old systems. These adapters that are in nes cartridges go for around 30$ online. So your 2$ video game may just harbor so extra $$. If your also a retro buff u may want to check the link out above and get all your favorite classic games on one cartridge. They have them for almost all old cartige systems. Check it out and feel free to post your thoughts or opinions on this! Thanks for listing and happy modding everyone.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 08:43:43 AM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

Offline watchm3n

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Re: Retro cartridge mods!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 09:45:56 AM »
Thanks for the heads up!   I love retro consoles.  Damn that makes me feel old now having to call retro what I grew up with.  Anyhow I have a Retron which are pretty nice!  Going to check these out...

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: Retro cartridge mods!
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 12:13:26 PM »
Have you tried any of the games Acidmods offers?

We have a full arcade and a NES emulator. I can load any NES game you want that I own( I have a box with about 150 cartridges I will have to dig through if you want me to add).... its been two years since I set it up, and I will have to relearn the program, but if you want to add something, let me know. The links to these are in the top blue bar on top of the forum.

Current NES games are SUPER Mario 3, Donkey kong, and Contra. (My Favs that I own.... Legally I can only post ROMS that I own the cartridge for. The website you posted does not provide any ROMS they only give you a way to play them on your original hardware. I am letting you play the games I own in your browser, but I cannot legally give you the ROM, you would have to email me for that.. I have them all in an archive.)

I spent months coding/porting this over to get it to run on our forum and I dont think anyone ever really cared.... :(

You need Java to run them.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 12:23:27 PM by Modded Matt »

Offline watchm3n

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Re: Retro cartridge mods!
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 12:43:35 PM »
Right on Matt!   I will have to take you up on that.  Retro gaming is great.  I miss the days of playing great games like Blaster Master, Skate or die, Kid Icarus.   Contra is a timeless classic.  The one cheat code I never forgot was contra!  Had no idea we had a nes emulator here!  Glad to see there is someone besides myself who enjoys the classics!


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