Author Topic: Custom zombies  (Read 2366 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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Custom zombies
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:47:10 AM »
I started looking into custom zombies for the PC. I am not sure how far I am going to go into this but it interested me a lot , so we'll see.
Where I started.
I have some 3d modeling experience and a lil scripting and I love zombies . So I think this is a good fit.
So I am open for some ideas on designing my first map. Keep in mind that I am a new comer on this , so I wont be getting into black ops based zombies for a while. My first map will be based off WaW zombies.
Ideas I have had for maps.
First one is Normandy Beach. played from the perspective of the Germans. But instead of Americans storming the beach it would be zombies. Based off an actual WAW map from the campaign. This will give me a good starting point for the map to speed my production up.
Character will be Richtofen based .

Weapon ideas? keep in mind must be close to actual weapons from the original games. can be modded originals.

Hotel map.
In the tranzit mode (bo2) there is mention of a hotel. this hotel was actually a facility for housing gov officials during crisis , with a bunker underneath the hotel.
This would be a map where I would tell a lil story of background of Demsy . Hoohrah!

Any more ideas are very welcome. What map would you like to see/play.


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