Howdy everyone!
I'm back yet again, slightly older, slightly wiser, with the realisation I'm useless at modding. What I do have however, are ideas and a decent budget.
There's a few projects I want to work on, and I knew instantly that this was the place to go. I will move on to separate threads eventually, but I thought this would be a good place to gather ideas on what we could add and what wouldnt work in general.
So here goes!
Project 1: Large Custom Built TabletHere's what I'm thinking: 15" Touch Screen, Large Battery, 2TB HDD (potentially hybrid), Wifi, Bluetooth and SIM card slot. Camera would be a nice touch, but only if possible to get something that performs on a similar level to high-end smartphone camera's. Would love to be able to have a custom front end, loaded with media players and emulators, as well as the ability to launch straight into various applications without showing the desktop interface. Link to the desktop interface would be needed as well for any tinkering. Decent sound would also be a plus, but not a necessity. Budget: £1500 - £2000 with flexibility if need be.
Project 2: PS3 LaptopNow I know this has already been done so I'm not looking for something thats anywhere near as ambitious as the first one. Aluminium Body with a PS3 logo cutout in the back thats lit (similar to Macbooks). If possible it would be good to avoid using exposed cables, instead using some kind of ribbon connector like you see in normal laptops. Budget: £700 (already have a spare PS3 to use for this)
Project 3: High Storage PSPIn come the pained sighs, I know. I don't know if any progress was made from last time but if I remember correctly it involved a small Linux board. Recasing if need be is definitely an option, but if I'm barking up the wrong tree thats fine with me. Budget: Whatever to be honest. It would be nice to finally see this idea come to light.
So there we have it. If anybody has any ideas, or any contacts they may have to help me on these projects (long time line, each one is gonna take a few months and I'm aware of that) then your help would be greatly appreciated.
If anybody wants to talk to me about this in depth, then facebook is probably the easiest. Drop me a PM and I'll send you a link to my account and we can get cracking on this in a big way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. On this! It's good to be back