Author Topic: Noob would like to mod the case of his fat PS2  (Read 1994 times)

Offline vesanius

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Noob would like to mod the case of his fat PS2
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:11:17 AM »
hey guys,

since I'd seen online that there are many goodlooking and also transparent cases for the ps2 I was looking for some cool cases to buy. unfortunately most of them are sold out or cost a bunch of money, especially to ship to my country. after checkin' some more images at google I found this forum. now I would like to ask you, with which tools (glue, knife, glass, colored glass) I'd be able to mod my own case and where i can get them.

my - let's call it "idea" - is to cut out frames from the top case and to replace the cut out forms with transparent glass, maybe colored. i also asked myself if it would be possible to build an own case (at least a top cover).

I'm looking forward to your replies

with best regards,

Offline exodusrevelations

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Re: Noob would like to mod the case of his fat PS2
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 12:42:43 AM »
Your better off with plexiglass or another type of acrylic material. Little hint tho,  put masking tape over where youre cutting with all plastic parts,  saves time and effort in the long run.  You can cut the case with a knife or other hand tools but to get the cleanest, most precise cuts its good to use a dremel.  Depending on how u want the window determines your tip for it.  I usually use hot glue to glue the glass in afterwards.  Used to use super glue and contact cement but for me i have a better hold with hot glue.  Depending on how i want the edges to look on my windows determines how i finish it.  You could cut your window out, put glass in and  put some type of sealant over it and pai t it to give a finish look or put strips over it.  My fav method to use is to cut the window out of the case a couple cm to small and SLOWLY sand down on backside of case where window lies flat on it till it is bout as thin as a couple sheets of paper or so the lay the glass in and it gives a much smoother finish but it takes a real steady hand and a low setting on dremel to get it that thin without burning thru it or warping it, key is slow.  And you can get most tools at any local hardware store.  I plan on doing a how to on a customers xbox im cutting a 4 leaf clover into with LED's as soon as he delivers it.  Should be here by this weekend and give me a couple days to do it and write it up and ill post


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