Author Topic: Rapid Fire Mod Project  (Read 1840 times)

Offline frodo1425

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Rapid Fire Mod Project
« on: July 07, 2015, 04:22:58 PM »
To start off, I am going to make an advanced Rapid Fire Mod inside of my Xbox Controller.  What I want to do isn't just any old generic modification, I'm looking for maximum functionality and features. The first thing I'm looking to do is adding a toggle switch allowing me to toggle the mod on and off along with an Red LED inside of the guide button indicating whether the mod is on or off. When the mod is toggled on I want to be able to fire using the actual trigger on the controller, along side another button allowing me to cycle through different modes and rates of fire. Lastly to top it off I would like to be able to remotely program the Microcontroller inside of the controller, allowing for an infinite plethora of possibilities, of course I have no idea of it's even a possible to do.

-Rapid Fire Mod
-Toggle button on and off
-Red LED in Guide signalling on/off
-Fire Using Trigger
-Separate Button to cycle through modes
-Remotely Programmable Micro Controller (if possible)

1 Black Matrix Xbox 360 Controller
1 Torx T8 Security Driver
1 Darlington Transistor
2 Submini Pushbutton Switch
3 Pcs PIC12F675 Microchip Microcontroller DIP-8pin
1 30 Watt Soldering Iron
2 2.5oz Solder .032
1 25ft of 22 Gauge strand UL
1 2oz Plastic Can of Rosin Flux
1 Wire Cutter's
1 Wire Stripper's

I know I'm going to be needing allot more for this and honestly don't know where to even start looking. I've got quite a bit of money so I can buy whatever's necessary for the project. I don't know how I'm going to do this so if anybody could help me by contacting me or making a post below or even linking me to some guides or tutorials that would be very much appreciated.

Offline snowcolt17

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Re: Rapid Fire Mod Project
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 06:14:06 PM »
someone around here can help you out more then i can..

i also use the sync button for my toggle switch.
i think you can piggyback 0603s to the stock ones to indicate the on/off

not sure if there is a way to remotely program it. i know hazard made a programmable schematic for his in the contest one year.

there is a website somewhere where you can input all the data for your rf and make a hax from it. but that is for 12f683s. im not a programming wizard so idk.

i see that you dont have a programmer listed. there is a tutorial on here showing how to make your own for a 12f683. or you can buy one. i use a pickit2


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Re: Rapid Fire Mod Project
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 07:48:22 PM »
Sadly Sethmods website domain has expired and I don't know if he plans on renewing it. So as of now there's very little opensourse hex converters out now.

He basically had the whole kit I would need minus the re programmable chips. If he had a bigger microchip it would be pretty easy if assume to add a D+ D- V & G setup to a 3.5 mm socket where u could re flash the chip from.

Good luck though on your mission. I hope u can find someone to help u without cleaning u dry. It will cost u a arm and leg for such software u aquire unless u know how to program.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 07:56:12 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »


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