Author Topic: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1  (Read 14968 times)

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X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« on: February 10, 2015, 11:01:58 AM »
Wanted to break this out to it's own thread since this version of the PCB is for the XB1 only. All of the original info on the miniM4pper can be seen here -,43205.0.html


The X1 is a miniature Remap option for additional Tact buttons installed in the XB1 controller. It can not Remap the existing buttons that are already on the controller, it has nothing to do with the Triggers at all and does no kind of cRapid Fire either. What it can do is Remap 2, 3 or 4 additional Tact switch Buttons that can be installed on the controller to the A, B, X, Y, LB, RB, LSC or RSC button functions...

If you want 4 Tact buttons installed and want to duplicate A, B, X and Y on them you can, and in any order you choose.

If you only want to have 2 additional Tact Buttons to use instead of all 4, you can do that. (Use Tact 1 and Tact 2 in this case)

If you want a Tact button that will press A, B and RB all at the same time when you press it, then it can do that also. *
 * This is not legal for competition game play and as such a single button only code was made that allows just 1 button to be remapped per Tact.

If you want 4 Tact buttons that are all A one day, then all RB the next, go for it. (makes button mashing pretty easy)

It also saves the Button Remaps you choose and stores them, so if the power is removed or controller unplugged, you don't have to set everything back up again every time you want to use it.



Disassemble the controller, already piles of info and pics around on how to do this. The MCU board can be flipped over in place without having to desolder the Rumble motor wiring.

Prep the B button via, that is remove the solder mask and tin it. If you've never done this before be careful as ruining the via will kill the B button. (Alternately you can use a small jumper wire and connect this spot to the top pad of D14, but it's designed for prepping the via and soldering to it)

Install the X1 board and solder up the 11 connections marked with a black Triangle. There are 3 at J5, then 7 at J6, and the last 1 at the B button via. (Again, can alternately solder a wire to the top D14 pad and then to the X1) If you wish to solder up more of the connections at J5/J6 you're more than welcome to, but they are not necessary and make sure to not short any of them together.

The X1 boards TP spots are..

T1 = Tact 1
T2 = Tact 2
T3 = Tact 3
T4 = Tact 4
TG = Tact Ground (can also use any Ground spot on the controller instead)
SY = Sync
MD = Mode
VW = View
LED+ = LED+ for feedback, LED- goes to ground (optional, use proper Resistor for 3.3v source)

NOTE: XB1 controller info can be seen here -,43204.0.html

Wire up the LC and RC pads on the X1 board to the LSC and RSC buttons on the back of the controller board.

Wire up the Tacts you wish to use. T1 and T2 must be used, T3 and T4 are optional.

If you want to use VIEW for the MODE button, all that's needed is to jumper the VW and MD pads on the X1 or If you want to use SYNC for the MODE button, all that's needed is to jumper the SY and MD pads on the X1.


From here on the Tact buttons will be referred to as T1, T2, T3 and T4.
The Mode Button and LED will be referred to as such, not what you wired them up to, because I've no idea what you used there.

Turn the controller on.

1 - Press and Hold T1 and T2.
2 - Tap the MODE Button, the LED will fade on and off.
3 - Release T1 and T2, the LED will now be on solid.

* From here on the miniM4pper is in the Remap Mode and any of the Tacts can be Remapped in any order you choose, for example, to Remap the A Button to T1 you would..

4 - Press and Hold the A Button.
5 - Tap T1, LED will flicker.
6 - Release the A Button.

* If you're done Remapping the Tact Buttons, you can Exit the Remap Mode by going to step 7, or you can continue to Remap the other Tact Buttons in the same manner by repeating steps 4, 5 and 6, just replace T1 with the Tact you wish to Remap and then use whatever button/s you want on it, for example, to Remap X and B together*** on T2 you would..
 *** Only possible with the multi button code, the single button code does not allow this.

4 - Press and Hold X and B.
5 - Tap T2, LED will flicker.
6 - Release X and B.

7 - Tap the Mode Button, the LED will fade off and on a few times while the Remaps are being saved, then the LED will turn off. The Remaps are now saved and they will be recalled if the controller is turned off. The Tact Buttons can now be used.

Now when T1 is pressed it's the same as pressing the A Button, and when T2 is pressed it's the same as pressing X and B together***. 
 *** Only possible with the multi button code, the single button code does not allow this.

You can also disable a Tact Button by changing step 5 to not pressing any Button/s. For example, to disable T1, enter the Remap Mode like above, then..

4 - Do not press any of the Buttons on the controller.
5 - Tap T1, the LED will flicker then go back to being on solid.
6 - Tap the Mode Button to exit Remap Mode.

T1 is now blank and will do nothing when pressed. To use it again, just go thru the Remap steps like normal and choose the Button/s you wish to use on it.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 06:25:08 PM by RDC »
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2015, 11:14:56 AM »
Cool Stuff RDC,

I'm prepping for my X1-board installs, and I'm wondering about the LED.

In the original miniM4pper thread, you state:
Since the XB1 only has a single LED, a separate LED must be used for the miniM4pper *

Is there a reason you can NOT use the Xbox One's LED, (D19 if I'm reading it correctly) as the indicator for your X1-mapper?

I ask mainly out of laziness, so that I don't have to wire-up another LED.  I guess I could go without a visual indicator, but I don't want to be too lazy.


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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2015, 12:08:38 PM »
The miinM4pper was designed around the 360 CG controllers, where on the wireless the LEDs are Common Cathode, that is the - side is connected to Ground and the Anode (+ side) is what is turned on/off to make the LED turn on/off. Now on the XB1 controller, the LED is a Common Anode setup, that is when the controller is on the + side always has power and the Cathode (- side) is what is turned on/off to make the LED turn on/off, so it's backwards, but that - side is turned on/off via and NPN, Q3 which uses a + signal to turn that Ground on/off, so it never really needed changing, it's just easier to use another LED versus wiring it up together with the MCU pin that controls Q3 and possibly causing an issue there.

Now, even though it's backwards, it will still technically work wired directly to the LED Cathode.

You can connect the LED+ TP of the X1 to the LED's Cathode, it will just act a little differently is all since the LED is always on via the controller, so the only real indication you'll get is the LED blinking and pulsing just a little brighter when in the remap mode. That will give you feedback and not mess anything up. An easier thing there is to solder the LED+ from the X1 to the back of the Power Board at Q3 (the Collector pin, side that has only 1 lead on it) that way the Power Board does not need to be lifted to solder directly to the LED.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 06:26:04 PM by RDC »
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2015, 08:21:33 AM »
That's great. I have a friend who has been working on a similar PCB design for a while, but for tournament controllers. What PIC did you use for this?
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2015, 02:38:06 PM »
The X1 and miniM4pper can be used in tournaments as well, that's what the single button only code is for.

The PIC part number is clearly visible in the first picture of this post, as well as in the miniM4pper thread from 11-08-2013, and I also have it ported to others in case of shortages of that version.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 02:41:45 PM by RDC »
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2015, 12:00:09 AM »
Just a friendly heads up to everyone. There is some jerkass selling these and the original square miniM4pper version boards on eBay for far, far more than what I charge.

The picture is of my board, they just edited out the part that has miniM4pper writing on it, inverted the colors and are claiming it's their work. I know what my soldering on them looked like, so they are fooling no one.

If you bought one of those things, you could have purchased 2 from me and still had money left over.
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2015, 10:12:29 AM »
I've seen that ebay add and I knew right away, it was a ripoff of your work.  I've also seen youtube videos of people offering your chip at a substantially marked up price, but at the very least they are adding a service of modding the controller.

Not that it makes any of this alright, but I guess these hacks are just a testament to the quality of your original work RDC.

On an unrelated note, my very own minim4pper project is coming along just fine.  Using Q3 to connect the LED worked like a champ.  I did manage to somehow jumper J6-3 and J6-5 together, leaving my RB in a constantly ON state.  That was "fun" troubleshooting, but I think I got it fixed.  I will be honest, while I think the XB1 minim4pper is an incredible piece of engineering, it might be just a little bit beyond my DIY soldering skills.  I didn't realize how tiny that board is.  I might have to stick to the original minim4pper.  I'm glad it works with the XB1 controller.   I'll try to post pics soon.  Until then...

Keep up the good work.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2015, 11:00:43 AM »
I've found out now what the deal is there, and it's not a rip off, they're my boards that have gone from person A to person B. It's the severe price gouging and the fact they're calling it their work because person A said person B could call it whatever that's grinding my gears.

With the older style square miniM4pper, you still  have to solder the wires to the same spots, so installing that version board is really not much easier and takes far longer to do than installing the X1 version. ;)
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2015, 10:31:17 PM »
This is AWESOME.

Can i buy these somewhere RDC?

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2015, 11:22:37 PM »
You can PM me about them.
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2015, 10:41:13 PM »
Great Product & Easy Install

Works Perfect, Thx RDC..

Any news on the new 12 button remapper?  I'll take 1 or 2 when they are ready if they are like the X1.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 10:50:47 PM by Tool »

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2015, 01:32:40 AM »

The 12 button and 6 Tact design has been completed for awhile, and already tested on the older style square board. It's the same 15mm x 15mm as the older miniM4pper boards.

The XB1 design is also completed now, but I will not be having them made up until a minimum of 50 or so of them are actually wanted, so all that initial cost for making them is covered. It will replace the X1 when that happens, as it will do pretty much the same thing, there's just no selecting which button to use for Mode on the X1-Disciple, it's setup to use View for the Mode button.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 06:20:55 PM by RDC »
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2015, 11:37:49 AM »
I can pick up a few if needed. Not that I have alot of use for them because I still have one of the old versions. I am more interested in the stick swap we discussed. If that could be incorporated with the minimapper it would be even better.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2015, 12:10:25 PM »
I'm still waiting to hear about the last one I sent you that had every mode on it.

There are no connections, aside from 3.3v and Ground, that the Stick swapper share with the X1D, so it wouldn't really make anything easier there and be a complete waste if all that was wanted were the Sticks swapped. Incorporating it onto that X1D board would mean needing to pull the XB1 MCU board to install it, versus the alternate stand alone design of it so it can just be mounted on the bottom where all of the soldering and trace cutting takes place anyway. If I decided to incorporate the two, I'd just go an redo the CGnome with the XB1 controller and be done, so all of it was covered. ;)
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2015, 12:42:11 PM »
LOL, I dont even have time to wipe my ass these days. Im hoping work calms down soon.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2015, 12:47:45 PM »
Well, let me know how it works there, after you've cleaned up that is. ;)
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2015, 07:50:12 PM »
I can prepay for 2 if needed.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2015, 08:56:55 PM »
Thanks, but I'll need to get quite a few more others on board before any pre-orders could be taken.
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2015, 12:51:45 PM »
K, please let me know if you need the money.  If they are the same price as the other I have enough for 3-4 now.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2015, 08:10:47 PM »
Can one of the tacts be remapped to A A ?  So in AW it boost jumps by just pressing the tact once?

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2015, 02:19:44 AM »
The X1 does not do any kind of macros or crapid firing, it only does remaps.

If you're wanting something like that, a small 12F683 could be coded up for it. It would use 2 IO and then be a 5 wire install.

Initialize the PIC and start with the A button pin as Tristated, so it will not interfere with the normal operation of the original A button.

 If the Tact is pressed
   Tristate pin to Output so it can be used
   Press the A button
   Delay some to ensure the A button is pressed
   Tristate pin back to Input, same as releasing the button..
   Delay for however many milliseconds are required between the A button presses
   Tristate pin back to an Output
   Press the A button again
   Delay some to ensure the A button is pressed
   Tristate the IO pin again so the original A can be used
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2015, 02:30:06 PM »
The X1-Disciple is starting it's journey. The parts are ordered and the files have been sent to the fab shop for making the PCBs. Once they show up here and I have a few built up and tested I'll get some pics posted. The X1 will end up being retired, as the X1D can do everything that it does.
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2015, 05:18:39 PM »
great news!!  is their qs points for rt, lt, lc?  I just saw a chip like that and it only reqired 1 wire plus switches.

chalk me down for 2 when they are ready, any idea on cost yet?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:47:12 PM by Tool »

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2015, 06:29:05 PM »
The X1D is a 14 solder joint (1 prepped via) and 2 wire install (3 wires if you want LED feedback) pretty much the same as the X1 that you have already installed, it just also allows the D-pad to be remapped and you can have up to 6 Tacts instead of 4. No idea why it would have LT and RT on it, or why anyone would want a Trigger remapped on a Tact. That is something that I could implement, though it would require a new board and new PIC and redesign again, and I see no need currently to go thru all of that as it starts to go beyond the scope of the mini-mapper principle and gets into more of a full remapper when you start in on the Analog functions, and as I've stated if I'm going to even start in on anything of the like I'll just do a CGnome deal on the X1.

Cost will be on par with the X1 for right now.
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2015, 07:32:40 PM »
that's a good price then, looking forward to ordering some.

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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2015, 03:11:00 PM »
The X1-Disciple boards are here now, and after I've made a few up for some testing then they will be replacing the X1 miniM4pper, though I do still have a few of those that can be made up if anyone is still wanting them.

These are only setup for single button remapping, they will not do A+B or any kind of multiple buttons per Tact. If there is enough interest in that I may make up an alternate multi-button code for it like the X1 had, but for now these are setup for single button remapping only.

It will still be a week or two before these are ready to go, as I need to pick up a new tube of solder paste for making these up.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 06:19:04 PM by RDC »
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Re: X1 Tact switch remapper, aka miniM4pper for the XB1
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2015, 06:57:16 PM »
Looks Great!!!  Can't wait to try one..


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