Author Topic: DS4 No USB  (Read 1906 times)

Offline MegaMech

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« on: October 19, 2016, 01:06:55 PM »

I am diagnosing the USB cable in my PS4 controller. The battery is good, controller works and turns on, but anything from the micro-usb cable doesn't work. I think that maybe I had a bad micro-usb cable that maybe shorted out and blew a capacitor or something. So I've been following where the 5 volts dc goes to, but I just dunno what exactly to look for.
When I plug in the cable it doesn't blink orange to say charging, and my PC doesn't recognize that a device was plugged into it. Bluetooth works though.

When I plug the battery in it provides 3.65 volts to the board, when I unplug it, I have nothing through the connector. But the main board is being supplied with 5 volts dc.

Anyone got some tips they could share? A specific chip to check voltage around or a link to an image that someone has already made that shows which traces carry power?
Or which chips take the 5volts dc down to 3volts.

Your help is much appreciated, thanks.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 01:34:11 PM by MegaMech »


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