Author Topic: Kodi media player arrives on the Xbox One  (Read 47528 times)

Offline Rodent

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Kodi media player arrives on the Xbox One
« on: January 06, 2018, 03:23:24 PM »

Team Xecuter:
We all here at MaxConsole, remember the glory days of original Xbox console modding, the main thing to install after you got it flashed or modded was a new dashboard like EvoX or AvaLaunch, and
 then of course right away installing XBMP with all its plugins, and now the joy of those days can be re-lived on the Xbox One console, as Microsoft surprising enough has helped the Kodi Team to port it over to UWP format and its now rolling out across the world on the Xbox One Store, with Europeans getting the first dibs! :)

Kodi, the perfectly legal yet notorious media player, is now available to download on your Xbox One. Initial reports suggest availability is restricted by region with Europeans getting first dibs. So be patient if you don't see it yet.

Kodi is a very capable player that’s highly expandable thanks to third-party add-ons like live TV and DVR services — something Microsoft isn’t going to provide. But Kodi is perhaps best known as the go to app for piracy due to a wide variety of plugins that let you illegally stream television shows, professional sports, and films from the comfort of your living room. This has led to a cottage industry of so-called "Kodi boxes," often built around cheap HDMI dongles like Amazon's Fire TV sticks. While the XBMC Foundation has attempted to distance itself from the illegal third-party plugins, it's also benefited from the exposure.

In a blog post, Kodi warns that the Xbox One download isn’t finished and may contain missing features and bugs. Here are a few known limitations as of today:

There’s limited access to only part of your Video and Music folders.
Network support is limited to NFS:// shares.
There’s no access to attached storage or to the Blu-ray drive.
There might be problems with some add-ons.
Kodi began life as XBMC (Xbox Media Center), or XBMP (Xbox Media Player) if you want to track back to the original incarnation that ran on hacked first-generation Xbox consoles — a capable PC with high-end graphics that Microsoft sold at a loss in order to gain an industry foothold back in the early noughts. So really, it's only fitting that Kodi should return to the roost.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 03:25:49 PM by Rodent »

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
Rodent consoles mods


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