Author Topic: Qi Wireless Charging mod for PSP?  (Read 3208 times)

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Qi Wireless Charging mod for PSP?
« on: December 01, 2016, 05:13:59 PM »
Before I start my endeavors, I want to check in with people who are more experienced here on Acidmods. And if all checks out, I will post a tutorial.

Like the title says, I want to enable wireless charging (or the proper term induction charging) on my PSP 3000. With the UMD drive removed, I will put the receiver behind the UMD drive door. The UMD drive door should be thin enough to make a connection, I believe the max distance needed for Qi chargers are 5mm.

I plan to use those universal receivers for android phones with the micro USB end. They output 5v/~600ma.

So my thought process for this is to just get the pin layout of the micro USB, figure out which one is =5v and which on is GND, then solder those connections to the charging terminals on the PSP's motherboard.

Does it sound simple enough or am I overlooking something? I'm pretty sure it will work, but will I still be able to charge my PSP normally with this mod installed, or will I fry something?



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