Author Topic: F00 f00 FAQ's  (Read 7614 times)

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F00 f00 FAQ's
« on: December 27, 2006, 05:05:51 PM »

1. So whats ACIDMODS all about then?

Acidmods is an open forum for people who want to improve the look, capability or functionality (or a combination of all three) of games consoles and a place to talk about anything to do with gaming.

2.Why would I want to mod my console?

Why not? If theres any thing you don't like about it why not try to fix it? Or just make it look cooler. Its pretty satisfying to see something work that you've created yourself.

3.What can/cant be done to my game console?

There are a number of easy to follow tutorial available for your moding needs on this site. The only limitation is your imagination.

4. I want to do something to my console that isn't in the tutorials. What do I do?

Got an idea eh? Don't be shy, just ask and we'll help you out as much as we can.

5. Will you modify my console for me?

The modders for hire section can be found  HERE!

6. I tried to mod my console, and now it dosent work. Will you help me?

Yes! First of, don't panic, search the forum for posts about similar
 problems. If you don't find the answers your looking for don't be afraid to ask, it helps if you include pics of the problem too. Where always happy to help.

7.I want such and such component and i cant find it. Now what?

Ask away brother.

8. I've lost my psp screws, where can I get new ones?

First off, use a magnet or something your not going to knock over to put you screws in. Second don't woryworry, you don't need all the screws in there. Try putting it back together and see if everything works ok. If you still need them there are replacement available on the net. Just have look. Still not having any luck, then try opening a PSONE if youve got one spair, theres a few in there that fit.

9.I want one of those replacement faceplates/cases. Where can I get one?
Theres a few places, here and here

10. Where can I buy a “ghetto stick” for my psp?

You cant. You'll need to make one. Don't be discouraged it not difficult, just give it a go. If your struggling ask for some help. Or you can ask one of the modders for hire to build you one.

11. I want to put 400 leds in my psp/ds/xbox/whatever. Can this be done?

There are endless possibilities when it comes to moding consoles. But (and I know this is boring) start off slowly. Try one of the led tutorials first and see how you go.

11. I want a duel analogue faceplate. Where can I get one?

The Pre Cut faceplates will come aventualy I have to get one peice made at a time. You would not believe how much it cost to get PCB made then theres a min quantity..

12. I can get EVERYTHING cheap because I live in -insert non US country here-.

You get what you pay for. Also just because you can get it cheap doesn't mean it helps acid mods by posting this info.. There are alot of other cost associated with this buisness like server fee's, licences, Min quantity orders......

13.I want to be a Admin/Mod/R&D/Art Team/AcidMag. Can I, please?

New team members are added from time to time. This is at the request of the team. You cant nominate yourself. So don't ask. Also You will only be selected as a staff member if your a regular on the forum providing helpful guidence to new members.

14. I want to mod my console but I don have the skills.

Most of the things we do here aren't to difficult. Get yourself a soldering iron and some screwdrivers and get stuck in. Be patient you'll make mistakes as you go but you get better every time you do. If your struggling just ask for help.

15. I bought my modding supplies at -Insert site here- and after I bought the supplies I contacted them for help but recieved none, can you help?

Yes it is not manditory to buy supplies from here. We are always eager to help. But keep in mind by supporting the site we are able to pay for another day of bandwidth..

16.After taking appart my psp I am having problems with the analog stick, it moves up and down on its own. What should I do?

This happens a lot, don't wory. Its just the conection between the nub and the mother board. Its a clear rubber thing with 4 tiny copper wires in it. Make sure the wires are pointing at the nub and the board and theres nothing stoping it making a good conection. If your still having trouble, try taking out the screws that hold the nub in place and leave them out when you put the face plate back on. Give it a bit of a wiggle about untill you get a good conection then tighten your screws (cearful not to thread them, or you'll be buying a new case).

17. I am having a problem getting out one of the screws on my psp, I've almost rounded the head. HELP!

Try wrapping the handle of the driver with tape then put the psp on your bed and push down while turning and by wrapping it with tape I mean alot of tape so you can get a grip on the driver. Should do the trick.

18. Where can I find those small LED's and other modding supplies?

Led's and other modding supplies can be found at NextHacks.

19. I want a custom designed jewel for my psp?

Send in the pic and the laser guy will do his stuff (the results depends on the quality of the image you provide - two-tone black and white comes out the best) If you have an Idea for a jewel but don't have the skill to make an image suitable for the laser guy submit your request | here | and one of our talented graphic artist will design one for you..

20. Is there any tutorials I can follow to make the mods easier?

Yes there are many tutorials written as well as video and more are being posted all the time. They can be found at the top of the forum iin the AcidMods Wiki.

21. I took apart my psp and put back together and theres a black spot on my screen.

You've probably bruised the LCD screen. This can some times be fixed by leaving the screen off for ten min to let the crystals settle. You can also try giving ti a bit of a shake. If nothing works there are replacement available, just google it.

22. My psps lcd screen has gone black! Help!

Most likly problem here is a lose conection for the backlight. The back lights cable is the thin one on behind the screen. The conector on this opens the oposit way to most of the otheres so make sure its in and closed properly and the ribbon cable is pushed all the way in.

23. How Long does it take to ship to -insert location here-?

Well because I stoped riding along with the packages I can no longer give an acurate time, However from what people tell me US orders take about 3-7 days and World Wide 7-14 days. If you live in some remote part of the world (and you know who you are!!) please allow aditional time for it to arive befor sending me a nasty E-Mail...

24. What impact do SMT LEDs have on my battery life?

Little to none. The LED's you get from are rated 2.2v to 3.0v and are by far the smallest you can get with out loosing the intensity. I have had as many as 8 LED's in one psp with very little diffrence in power consumption. The upgrade in apearence far outways the small loss in battery life..

25. Is the Analog to Digital Rplacement Board Digital or Analog?

Like the name implies the board takes an analog joystick and converts it into a digital joystick. Meaning it can then be used to replace any button on your controller/handheld.

26. I want to put EL wire inside my psp, can this be done?

Yes and no. This kind of mod is still in development. A small inverter is required. If you think you know how to do it, theres EL wire available in the estore, get on it. Theres quite a few people wanting to see this work.

27. I want to have more then two LED's on my console. Do I need more resistors?

Yes and no. Depending on the situation if you want diffrent color LED's on the same circuit chances are you will need one resistor per color group. If you want more then 6 LED's same color unless you change the raiting of the resistor your LED's won't be as bright.

28. How do I put together the digital to analoge board??
Click here. For the new tutorial.

29. What is the A2D/analoge to digital/Duel Nub all about?
The a2d basicly takes a psp analoge nub and turns it digital. So instead of having veriable degreas of out put it has only on or off. It can then be used to replicate the function of any key.  This modification has be used to create a duel nubed psp that can be seen in action here and to replace the dpad on a nintendo DS that can be seen here.

30. How do u reasemble the analog nub?
First be  carefull when changing the board on the back, so that non of the mec comes out. If the mec dose come out though ihe easiest way is to put the spring in then the joy, then the shell, then move the joy while squeezing lightly. There is also a video tutorial ---> here <--- , thanks to Califrag for that :thumbsup:

31. My psp won't charge is there any way of fixing this?

Yes there is first take you battery out an plug it into the outlet now turn it on. If the psp fails to power on with out the battery that means you blew a fuse. The fuse is located near the white connevter that connects the charger plug to the mother board. What you will need to do to fix this problem is to bridge the fuse with solder. simply apply enough solder to the center of the fuse until you make a path between the metal ends.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 08:23:34 AM by simcityltd »


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