Author Topic: Xbox one elite board issue  (Read 736 times)

Offline Adampark

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Xbox one elite board issue
« on: October 14, 2020, 03:43:57 PM »
Hi, iam having some problems with a xbox one elite controller, i replaced the thumbstick and once complete I tested it and found the x&b button was constantly pressed. I looked over it and noticed that there was some solder splash on J10 connector for the paddle board, I cleaned it up and put some fresh solder on the pins the buttons are no longer constantly pressed but the P1 paddle no longer works have I burned out a tracer or something?. Can this be fixed ?

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Re: Xbox one elite board issue
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2020, 05:06:43 PM »
Make sure that tiny cable hasn't ripped and is plugged in good. IIRC, that Tact board is just 4 buttons so there isn't a lot to go wrong on it and each button on there can be tested to make sure it's not the cause. I need to get hold of another one of those here so I can finish the images in the 1698 thread on here.

Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

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Re: Xbox one elite board issue
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2020, 05:24:19 PM »
I have tried a different ribbon cable & paddle board still the same, before I cleaned it up even with the paddle board ribbon cable unplugged it was showing constantly pressed I would double tap sync button too disable paddle system and it would work as normal. So I gave j10 connector pins which had  the solder splash on  a good clean and put fresh solder on iam not too sure if I had destroyed  the solder pad on the pin for p1 paddle ?

I have a couple of elite donor board in my spares box if you would like me too ship you some ?

Offline RDC

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Re: Xbox one elite board issue
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2020, 05:47:41 PM »
Have any good pics of the connector and board where you were tinkering?

That J10 connector, even if everything on it was shorted together, should only make all 4 of those back buttons press at the same time, so there could still be a short there as it doesn't take much at all to cause one sometimes. Then sometimes it doesn't even have to be a short for a button to register as pressed.

Thanks for the offer, but I prefer the controllers I use for board scans and such here to be pretty much straight out of the box, that way nothing is missing and I know exactly who's dik fingers have been on it, no offense intended at all. Pretty much every one I've done here was brand new and never saw a minute of actual game time as they come apart for the scans and then go into the 'collection' box for tinkering on later and digging out to figure out this or that issues that others have.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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