Author Topic: JDM-050 issue with wireless connection  (Read 589 times)

Offline Ditox

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JDM-050 issue with wireless connection
« on: January 14, 2021, 01:12:19 PM »
Hello everybody.

I have been using this forum to consult and solve some problems while i'm working. So now i have some trouble with a dualshock 4 JDM-050.

I tried to change the D92003MW because the original was sulfated. I test every cap and res near the ic and they work fine. I've made a test with a ps4 and conected by usb works but when is disconnected it turn off. The battery neather get charge.

There is something i couldn't remember to check?

By the way, sorry for my english I know it's bad  :laughing:


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