Author Topic: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth  (Read 916 times)

Offline Seldom

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Hi, first of all thank you for all the useful informations you share on this site. I write here because I broke both of my 2 controllers and I need help.

On the first controller which is a jdm 055 while desoldering the right analogue stick I accidentally also removed the copper on 2 vias (see image). I was wondering if it is possible to resolve this kind of damage.

Instead on the second controller which it is a jdm-011 it doesn' t connect anymore using Bluetooth while when I connect it using USB cable it works but the battery seems always discharge despite it shows it is loading. What could it be that prevents the joystick to work via Bluetooth? I already replaced the battery.. Could it be the 12 pins ribbon cable i bought from China?

Thank you
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 01:11:15 PM by Seldom »

Offline maki

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2021, 03:06:45 AM »
The middle pin should be straightforward to fix, as the trace is present on that side.

The bottom pin can be harder, the actual trace is on the other side of the PCB just under the actual analog controller.

Have a look at this thread, very similar:,44795.0.html

Look at that  stripped board, "BOTTOM STRIPPED", left hand side as its mirrored:,44645.0.html

« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 03:07:07 AM by maki »

Offline RDC

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2021, 06:12:11 AM »
The bottom one will be fine as is, since the trace is on the bottom of the board, there are no internal layers that use that via, so if it's gone no real biggie there.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline Seldom

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2021, 02:45:55 PM »
Thanks for your answers, they are really helpful. Since I'm really new to this kind of things i would like to know if I understood correctly. So, I'm planning to scrape the trace at point A (front side of the motherboard) to expose the copper. Then solder a wire from point A to point B (on the other side of the board). Is this correct?

Out of curiosity is there another more clean way to do it without using a wire but recreating the via like new? Thanks
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 05:53:00 PM by Seldom »

Offline RDC

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2021, 05:27:18 PM »
Even if you recreated the via, the trace isn't anywhere near it, so you'll still be using a wire or rebuilding the trace in some way to connect things up.

You will be more or less connecting Trace A to the center pin of the POT once it's installed. Just scrape the trace, solder the wire to it and run it thru the hole, install the new Stick and solder everything up. Use a 30awg or smaller wire, it's not handling any kind of current so no need for it to be some battery cable type thick stuff there.

Also, it's a video game controller, so neatness gets you jack compared to functionality there. It also wouldn't be making any future Stick swapping down the road any easier rebuilding the trace and via on there, as that kind of repair would never hold up to the abuse it will take from use and then again from the heavy hand of someone who just plugged up their brand new soldering iron.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline Seldom

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2021, 11:20:21 AM »
Thanks to your advice I was able to make the analog work.
Still, despite on game it acts good, on gamepad tester the analogs values seem to not be stable (see video below) . Is this ok or I did something wrong?

Unfortunately in the process I lost a component (see image below) and I think it is the reason the Options button stopped working. What is the name of that component so that I can buy a replacement?

Thank you and sorry to still bothering but really this is the only site that can help me on this subject.

Offline zis2104

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2021, 05:21:52 PM »
Thanks to your advice I was able to make the analog work.
Still, despite on game it acts good, on gamepad tester the analogs values seem to not be stable (see video below) . Is this ok or I did something wrong?

Unfortunately in the process I lost a component (see image below) and I think it is the reason the Options button stopped working. What is the name of that component so that I can buy a replacement?

Thank you and sorry to still bothering but really this is the only site that can help me on this subject.

You need:
Hot air, flux, solder and component(smt switch botton 3.7)

Desolder old component and solder new. Be carefull and use little tips on hot air

Offline maki

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Re: JDM 055 removed copper while desoldering and problem with bluetooth
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2021, 03:27:35 AM »
Thanks to your advice I was able to make the analog work.
Still, despite on game it acts good, on gamepad tester the analogs values seem to not be stable (see video below) . Is this ok or I did something wrong?

that video looks like good analog controller to me


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