Hello, it is me again.. Once I solve a problem always appear a new one..
I'm trying to study some basics of electronics but it takes a long time.
Anyway I got a strange and worrying problem with my joystick.
It was open and I was testing it connected on my computer, at a certain point I touched the motherboard and some components (in particular the two on the photo) were so hot that I almost burnt my skin.
Right now I changed the position of the 12 pin ribbon cable and the problem seems to be solved, in fact when connected to PC now it stays cool. Still I'm worried it could happen again. Is it possible that a ribbon cable can create this overheat issue or I should check the problem somewhere else? I should also mention that I also had changed the battery with another one for dualshocks bought on aliexpress. But right now the controller is fine and it still uses that new battery (3.7 V, 2000 mah, max current 0.4A, max charge V 4.2V), maybe the battery at first had some extra charges and then has stabilized?
Another different problem is that the controller has the L3 button that most of the times (but not always) acts like it is pressed. I already changed the entire analog module but the problem persists. What should I check to understand where is it the problem? Could it just be a problem of the analog bought on aliexpress? Thank you