Hello all,
I was trying to replace the left joystick on a 1697 MCU board, and midway through the process, I noticed that RT was suddenly not working, it is now recognizing as 100% input all of the time. LT is working perfectly fine though.
Here are the measurements I have taken:
U10 pin 1 = 1.33V
Both U10 pin 2 and TP104 = .299V (0% trigger press) to ~17mV (100% trigger press)
U10 pin 3 = GND (had to jump to GND, previously was floating)
U9 pin 1 = 1.33V
U9 pin 2 = GND
U9 pin 3 = ~.667V (oscillates)
U9 pin 4 = 3.33V
I read RDC's notes in the 1537 thread that U9 pin 3 takes pulses from U1 - I am unable to verify the validity of this data but assuming it is working correctly since U11 (LT) is functioning perfectly.
Here is a picture of the board - it is beat up in the left joystick area from desolder heat and whatnot, perhaps a trace was severed or something.. I didn't do anything in the area of U10 besides jump U10 pin 3 to ground since it appeared to be floating when I tested it.
![18680912-EFB3-4-CF2-B292-38-ADB8764-B9-D" border="0](https://i.ibb.co/Tbd4tB9/18680912-EFB3-4-CF2-B292-38-ADB8764-B9-D.jpg)
Any help is greatly appreciated!