Author Topic: JDM-030 Dualshock 4 Short on ICPower  (Read 1599 times)

Offline Khollex

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JDM-030 Dualshock 4 Short on ICPower
« on: July 02, 2021, 06:43:11 AM »
Hello, I turn to you, I got a Dualshock 4 with charging problems, the battery was dead, they used it connected because the battery no longer charged, there was a short on the charging pin plate, we already solved that but at the time of connecting the load flex to the PCB, the whole line is shorted. Because there are no Sony schematics (or at least I went all over the internet and didn't get them) I wanted to know what I can do or if you have a schematic to download I would appreciate it very much, Greetings from Argentina to this Modding community!


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